Saturday 20 April 2019

Mizoram And Meghalaya Shutdown From All Activities To Immerse In The Holy Moment!

Mizoram along with Meghalaya with high concentric Christian population observed Good Friday where all institutions, government offices, busy areas and commercial areas took a standstill with no activity around.

Back 2000 years and more when lord Jesus was crucified on the Cross it took place on Friday due to which this day is observed as Holy, commemorating not only his death but the cause of dying for the people who sinned to deviate them from its terrible consequences.

Jesus tore down the hard hearten sinners with pain by setting the example of crucification to show not how much he loved God to achieve his mission of love and forgiveness but to make people realize how much he loved them to carry their pain and die on the altar.

On every Good Friday people of Mizoram, Meghalaya and partially Nagaland observe it religiously with sacrificial methodology as lord Jesus directed through his life. Mizoram’s famous cathedrals like Baptist Church, the Presbyterian Church and Pentecostal Church had observed this holy moment with strong flow of crowd whereas Meghalaya followed with great solemnity about Jesus’s humanitarian services the previous day to mark the pious ‘Last Supper’ through various modes of sacrifice and humble service by washing feet.


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