Wednesday 20 February 2019

Northeast Cyber Security Job Intensifies With New Facebook Branding!

Aftermath the declaration by the British Parliament on Facebook as ‘digital gangsters’ for violating privacy and competition of cyber laws plus not assisting the lawmakers in their investigation process on fake poll voting.

The British Parliament had to take this tough decision on account of the top leading global social media like Facebook to be branded as ‘digital gangsters’ on prior of not assisting properly with the lawmaker during 18 months of investigation on negative aspects of election influence apart from continued fake news publish which are against legal norms.

This lapse on Facebook to clear on its security measure has intensified Northeast, India cyber security to stay more alert on its published matters that affects the society and government function as already they enough substance of illegal matters at FB account holders. Pulwama attack hence has put more than seven FB account holder at the red cell of Assam police for derogatory and sensitive issues that stirred the local mobs with anger.


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