Thursday 31 January 2019

Citizenship Bill, 2016's New Clause Aggravates BJP’s Political Career

Scenario of slogan against the ruling party BJP (the Bharatiya Janta Dal) is going to  the extreme end with brutal attack on its leader in Assam, China welcome slogan in Mizoram and Manipur intolerance including Tripura’s aggressive move that can end their political career here in Northeast.

Now each affected Northeast states are claiming for an alternate clause that restores normal situation in respective region, impelling team of political groups of Manipur to rush in New Delhi for Prime Minister’s intervention in the state's growing tension.

If BJP government restores to 1971 Assam Accord then the party can secure their position without any blame as the people are already in a march not to forgive for introducing new law of illegal Hindu immigrant allowance in the region. But still NRC will burn the Northeast if the Citizenship Bill is passed as per to indigenous people’s norms which BJP government had visualized beforehand.


Richest Turtle Species Zone Of India, Assam Triumphs In Incubation Output

First time in the history of State Conservation Department of Assam, successful output of 35 varied type of turtles through incubation development and growth had been released in the Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary’s water reservoir Haduk Beel. 

Assam is recognized as the highest variety of freshwater turtle species of about twenty including tortoises from total 28 species present in India. Today, sixty to seventy per cent of turtles species lies under the threat of extinction. 

There is extensive potentiality of Assam to rear turtle and outgrow a healthy number of its population due to its ideal environment where the state’s Conservation Department has taken extensive step to secure their habitats in the regions’ natural abode.


Arunachal Pradesh Govt Boosts Employees Who Pain Stake To Do Service

Chief Minister Pema Kandu in growing concern to boost the government employees who pain stake to derive at office from tough route network are being planned to be  awarded with greater pay irrespective of their skilled or unskilled status.

This decision is followed with a quick action when the State Cabinet recently passed approval of TLC (Tough Location Allowance) grant to regular employees under norms of 7th CPC and hike wage for contingency employees. 

Public announcement of this grant came into highlight as Perna Khandu’s New Year Gift to recognize employee’s pain stake to commit towards state service with two TLA level assurance to the regular employees. The casual group of regular employees will receive Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 10,000 /pm while skilled professional with a greater wage of Rs 9,000 pm to Rs 11,000/ pm.


Ancient Haygriva Madhav Dev Temple’s Pond Is An Ideal Heaven To Boost Turtle’s Ecosystem

Ancient architect  of the Hayagriva Madhav Dev Temple in lower Assam region features a huge pond which is an ideal heaven for fish and turtle to breed and outgrow due to its friendly ecosystem. 

It is just not about the best ecosystem for aquatic breeding in its pond but the entire environment of  the Hayagriva Madhav Dev Temple makes it an ideal destination for tourism as its hilltop precinct with beautiful lush green  environment gives an unique sense of experience to explore the place.

Presently the Hayagriva temple pond is overcrowded with fish and other aquatic bodies which for better growth are released in greater water reservoirs of Assam to help retain healthy figure of its extinct species. 

This Hyagriva temple authority trend to retain highest population of state’s rare species that includes the Indian soft- shell and the peacock soft-shell turtles is recognized to be visitors’ attraction.

The turtle hatchlings were first nurtured at the ideal conservative zone of Haygriva Madhav temple’s pond before translocating them to bigger water reservoirs in Assam’s wildlife areas.
Today Haygriva Madhav temple has network with the Assam State Zoo, Pobitora Wildlife and other ideal conservative zones to distribute their overpopulated fish breeds for better preservation. It takes 39 days for incubation growth of fish breeds at the temple pond’s reservoir before the hatchlings are released in spacious water bodies of Assam.

The Haygriva Madhav temple authorities plays as the crucial stakeholder in fish incubation programme according to the Forest Department and Turtle Survival Alliance for logistic support under Kamrup division of Assam. 


International Exhibition Centre Plan To Achieve A New Business Purpose

In the recent gear up for International Exhibition Centre launch at Badharghat in Tripura the Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb highlighted on intensifying hydrographic research to improve futuristic waterway ties with border nations.

It will be a joint effort of Indo-Bangia team to channelize goods-laden ships network via Tripura to Bangladesh's Meghna port. Currently both the Centre and the State government are concentrating to fast implement Indo-Bangla waterway project as earlier schemed for boosting international markets.

On a futuristic note CM Biplab Deb brings hope in fast materializing this waterway project and reveals its soon implementation at Sonamura base of Tripura, sharing border with Sepahijala district in the coming year of 2020. 


Arunachal Pradesh Employee Wages Improve From 22% to 47.83% Jump

The state government employees have witnessed drastic growth in  wages for contingent employees where casual staff  to daily wage earners are to receive 25% growth whereas experience staff with 22.22% hike jump from former pay.

Another terms and condition for the allowance of the new TLC pay scale is that it is applied to the employees who have an account of 5 to 10 years of experience in government service. In the same level the TLC category based employees with extended 10 to 15 years experience will benefit wages of 20% hike but inexperience will be streamlined to 19.23%  growth in contrary.

There is also provision for older TLC section for skilled employees of 20 years and plus govt service with 45.45% jump hike in wages where interestingly an unskilled wage earner of same years of service are to witness 47.83% jump in their pay hike which is a great news in Arunachal Pradesh government servicing sector.


Wednesday 30 January 2019

Assam Education Board Stressed To Meet Disable Standard

In an continuing effort by the PSSA (the Pratibandhi Suraksha Sangstha) members to have an overlook on the criteria of the physically disabled for which a memorandum was submitted to the Chairman of the Secondary Board of Education (SEBA).

This memorandum set by Pratibandhi Suraksha Sangstha organization is in against SEBA’s released notification on its amanuensis norms for class IX standard candidates that is not acceptable for the specially challenged student’s welfare.


LPG Back With Their Woes On Public

This time public is to bear transportation woes as the strike of intense LPG cylinder crisis to occur in Assam for the North East Packed LPG Transporters' Association is to initiate their noncooperation movement soon.

Trigger of possible noncooperation movement can raise if the state authority keeps their matter in sideline after the follow of consecutive meet with the members of the Department of Food and Civil Supply. Resignation of the Food and Civil Supplies Minister, Phani Bhusan Choudhury is a big threat to the LPG Transporters' Association as he was the communication mode to help them solve their issue.

In observation to ease tender filing the demand for tender submission office shift to Guwahati from its current Kolkata base was made by the LPG Transporters' Association member, Niranjan Mahanta to the Department of Food and Civil Supply including  equivalent reduction in fare price from present 21% tag.

Failure to meet the demanded  facilities and priorities of  the state’s LPG dealers can create public woes  with implement of critical crisis of cooking gas in the future. Presently, LPG bottling has been stalled for consecutive five days in North Guwahati, Gopanari of Tinsukia district, Charpara in Kamrup district including Bongaigaon.


Assam Women Encouraged To Drive Global Environment Leaders

WiNN (The Women in Nature Network) arrived in Guwahati capital city of Assam to encourage state’s inspiring female environmentalists to strap their foot in driving the future generation global environment leaders through their share of experience and networking.

Global women conservation leaders from various nations integrated at Guwahati base to emphasize global learning community of women through the joint effort of the Assam Forest Department, local collaborators, Kamrup District Police and Kamrup District Administration at this WiNN oriented three-day conclave.

This WiNN based three-day conclave is engineered with Aaranyak group to support its theme ‘Empowering women for nature conservation’ through connection and inspiration to women in global wide according to Purnima Devi Barman the Aaranyak's conservation leader and WiNN India Director.

It is high time where women should take active participation in saving the earth from the extinction of its natural resources that protects the entire eco-system highlighted by the Assam Governor, Prof Jagadish Mukhi on account of the launch of the event.  Global participants from Argentina, Guyana, Mexico and Honduras, Asiatic regions like Vietnam, Bhutan and Nepal had took active participation in this home based WiNN event by sharing valued experience to guide and inspire more women into the crucial role of saving the earth.

Assam Shines With Its Modern And Innovative Bhaona Approach

Bhaona is an essence of Assamese culture that was introduced during the era of Guru Srimanta Sankardev in Brajawali local language, now dares to storm the Mumbai stage with modern English version Ravana Bodh Bhaona in an innovative approach to attract the flavor of outside crowd.

Ravana Bodh Bhaona is an outcome team effort of the State Government's Department of Culture including Jamugurihat’s socio and cultural based group ‘Prajanmya Unmesh’ in Sonitpur district. This colorful Assamese cultural event ‘Ravana Bodh Bhaona’ was brought to alive in Mimbai  at Ethe SIDCO Exhibition Centre Auditorium in Mumbai recently in cooperation.

Young Arup Saikia had accomplished a great dream of Assam to bring Srimanta Sankaradeva’s vision in such a wide outlook, making it lot more easier for the global audience to sink with Vaishnavite concept throwing rich aspects of Assamese culture through musical performance with his team support of assistant director Bablu Hazarika, production manager Gitimallika Saikia and Girimallika Saikia the coordinator.


Bamboo Craft Oriented Region Manipur Graced To Conduct The 3rd Edition World Event

In an effort to revive the rich tradition of Bamboo made products for the enhancement of interiors and other utility aspects to define lightweight traditional lifestyle, the Manipur authority is to implement its futuristic plan to launch the World Bamboo Workshop in the coming week of February from 4th - 8th, 2019.

Main objective of this 3rd edition World Bamboo Workshop in 2019 is to help bring local traders to have an interactive session with experts in bamboo market domain to influence their business in domestic market at this five-day event  that is to be conducted at the City Convention Centre of Imphal where foreign delegates will attend.


Tuesday 29 January 2019

AASU Declared Bandh Goes Peacefully Amidst Tension

Statewide bandh as a mark of road blockade in the major highways by All Assam Student Union goes of peacefully amidst tension yesterday on 29th January as traders and transportation operation took a back seat.

Passenger trying to catch flight and other modes of communication for route networking had their partial woes but else there was less report of violence during travel. This call off for economic blockade by AASU in the wake of Citizenship Bill is to impact on centre’s decision against the implementation of the Hindu immigrant allowance in its territory from foreign border.


Arunachal Pradesh Moving Fast For Modified Version Of Villages

Under the head of Smart Village Movement scheme Arunachal Pradesh government is set to empower rural location to come up with modern modified version lifestyle with add of infrastructure and technology in its region for faster development growth.

State government based such Smart Village module implementation is to empower the enlisted villages under this plan to digitize its system through electronic media like the Data Collection Mobile App for fast connectivity of locals to program for particular village development mission.

The wake up call of Smart Village Movement is to keep in account of indigenous village’s large data on its assets, schemes, pivotal issues to track and program the localities to edge its lifestyle for faster growth of economy. This village development plan was made in 13th June 2018 when Arunachal government had inked MoU (memorandum of understanding with Smart age Movement to garner social and environmental value in rural areas.

Even San Francisco’s former Consul General who is a Senior Advisor and Garwood Fellow for initiating Smart Village Program perceives Arunachal’s potentiality to attract investors from worldwide for greater investment in the land with their innovative approach. Arunachal Chief Minister Pema Khandu in this attempt has brought to action the ICT (Information & 'Communication Technology) programming in the selected rural regions for fast development progress through implementation of digital based equipment to paperless office operation in its five crucial departments.


Arunachal Pradesh’s Futuristic Chemistry

Three-day hands-on practical chemistry camp under the head of Gandhi University (RGU) was launched by the Vice-Chancellor RGU Prof. Saket Kushwaha in an approach that both RSC and the Salters' Institute come together to bring the state's students to greater exposure of knowledge  with interactive session with the Indian chemistry teachers.

Additionally promote Chemistry as an ideal subject for the University level students to procure for a successful career by garnering ideas in this lane of field with lively interactive session with best professionals and business partners in India on 29th to 31st January. In this high school students three day residential chemistry camp eve of Arunachal about sixty plus student participants attended.


Monday 28 January 2019

Assam Fences Out Vulnerability In Hi-Tech Mode To Control Line’s Norms

Growing pose of vulnerability due to illegal activities in Assam’s line of permit that is near to border nation Bangladesh, the Ministry of Home Affairs has planned for hi-tech survey on the remaining unsealed areas that fence out the two nations.

Foresight on frontier surveillance upgrade was made long way back when BJP gained into power in Assam, but now with painstaking effort to settle the ongoing conflict in between the two regions to regulate law and order situation for the state’s welfare including rest of Northeastern states sharing border with Bangladesh this decision by Union Ministry has become incumbent.

Necessity of hi-tech survey is in demand not only to keep a tap on illegal immigrant inflow in the state from the border nation but also to control unlawful commercial and mammal transaction, especially in the unsealed areas where fencing is not as per to the standard guideline.

It is in the call of present border security challenges, multiple actions against varied border illegal activities has become essential which by mere BSF personnel implementation cannot provide. So the hi-tech security measures have been introduced in border survey opeation by the government of Assam with central empowerment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and sophisticated electronic gadgets for effective management of the volatile Bangladesh border zones. Crop up of various environmental issues on flood like erosion, animal dislocation, elephant menace and changes of river course are the other various issues which have made it incumbent for the authority to aid the army with hi-tech facilities.

According to the Border Security Force (BSF) sources already varied agencies are operating the vulnerable areas with hi-tech solution for detail combing on infiltration issues including extensive track on cows and goats plus foreign goods smuggle.


CM Pema Khandu’s Extensive Eye On Versatile Development Aspects Of Lumla

Arunchal Pradesh’s Chief Minister Pema Khandu’s gigantic task to make great change over in the state has come under the eye of the nation was found recently busy in multiple development aspects of Lumla region.

Be it infrastructure or new launch of scheme or health survey including rest other pivotal aspects, CM Pema was found restless to awake a new developed Lumla. Major development factors that Lumla region of Arunachal waited for long to go on action are like the launch of the new Industrial Training Institute, Lumla’s Moyu Gyepshi Helipad, Lumla health department’s new ambulance, Jeepable suspension bridge, Lumla Govt High Sec School’s new infrastructure Sadbhawna Bhawan including region’s volleyball stadium with the pious hand of CM Pema Khandu.

Supportive on Lumla’s futuristic development the Chief Minister Pema Khandu praised the region’s people for being the driving force in materializing social welfare projects and strengthening the government towards its progress.

Addressing to the people of Lumla CM Pema marked that the Jan Sampark Yatra under Arunachal Rising mission is a crucial project of the state for networking and promotion of the state. He proposed to bring into highlight Lumla’s teaching staff, Panchayat heads and Angandwadi workers for their contribution in giving proper dimension to region’s progress.


Arunachal Tiger Reserve On A Call For Brave Forest Personnel Who Could Sense Jungle’s Vibes

Today, the Pakke Tiger Reserve is in the need of efficient jungle keepers who can understand its vibes and storm bravely into quick situation to take control of any Jungle threat call for which recruitment of frontline staff has become crucial for proper security coverage of 50 square kilometers instead of one according to forest department sources.  

According to NTCA Inspector General of Forests, HS Negi the initiative of recruitment should be conducted by the government on candidates’ genuine adapt to forest call of rescue with courage. Even Rajesh Gopall Tiger Forum chairman also added that candidates with genuine zeal to protect wildlife and the confidence to counteract Pakke reserves’ challenging situation are presently in demand.

Tigers of Pakke Park are the valuable asset of Arunachal Pradesh as they are the charm of state’s tourism which today bears the threat from increasing poachers though it has an ideal topographical and geographical advantages for its endurance.

On this counterpart the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) thinks that they should be assisted strongly by the government as proposed by Chief Minister Pema Khandu during Pakke Paga Festival in this month at Seijosa to extend 113 STPF post openings including 170 forest guard posts.


Guwahati Bank’s Kite Vibrancy To Leave Its Enduring Essence

Second consecutive day the Brahmaputra bank of Guwahati’s commercial hub that is near to fancy bazaar, the buzz of ‘Jeevan Kite River Festival’s visitors is still going strong as if never to end with so much to relish and much to recollect about its vibrant colorful activities.

The ‘Jeevan Kite River Festival’ that is to mark its end on 28th January has a purposeful mission to integrate people of various diverse background and promote the state for better tourism prospect and create awareness on river bank hygiene maintenance as a part of Brahmaputra campaign headed by ‘Jeevan in Guwahati’ voluntary group.

In today’s fast world the traditional kite sport is much forgotten, only such purposeful mission  like Jeevan Kite Fest helps to revive the lost traditional charm of flying  and bring in the flavors of other cultural activities and entertainments which is still going strong on its eight attempt with more crowd response.


Sunday 27 January 2019

Manipur CM N Biren Singh Highlight’s On People’s Role To Achieve State’s Futuristic Goal

Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh during the session of Republic Day celebration marked people’s role to take effective action against state’s pivotal issue without abrupt in its economy and effective operation.

Since  call off of boycott and bandh heavily impacts on state’s normal function so on a reflective note CM Biren Singh had asked the groups involved in Republic Day boycott to best contest in elections to procure public’s mandate.

Instructed youth who are in pursue of education and the teaching staff to step down from protest activities as it impacts harshly on state’s system, assured that as on government’s responsibility will deal with the Centre for effective implementation of the citizenship bill with introduce of a public friendly clause that is as per to the rule’s framework.


Alternative To Fuel Transport Economy In India

In a meet with a group of ministers (GoM) the Road Minister Nitin Gadkari highlighted that the transport division vehicles can now choose over an alternative fuel as methanol for uninterrupted operation due to fluctuation of rest fuel prices due to impact of crude in global market.

In the advent of this meet a plan to accomplish two pilot projects on methanol production with prior emphasis on its campaign in the nationwide to succeed over crude oil importation by 20 percent for cost effective fuel venture in India and economic boost to its trade.

Presently the Indian government is planning to launch the methanol fuel campaign from Maharashtra and Assam sectors of the nation with drive of ten buses in  its fuel in the respective states.


It’s About Hi-Tech Orchid Processing To Take Meghalaya In Next Competitive Level To Fetch Global Market

Meghalaya government in the joint venture with the Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD), a National Institute of Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India is to erect an edge technology based Orchidarium infrastructure with a Orchid Production Unit at Shillong.

During the lay of Orchidarium foundation stone, Chief Minister of Meghalaya, Conrad K. Sangma reflected that this project is the best bet for investment to play as futuristic key player in the global market of orchid where Holland stands to be the unchallenged producer of this category of floral product and Thailand next.

Under the banner of ‘Make in Meghalaya’ mission of Government the IBSD group to initiate this major challenge with the strength of state's rich resources of 900 near species of orchids to enhance and preserve quality orchids.

In the attempt to flourish quality orchid export business in the region the IBSD to involve large scale aspirant youths in this trade of business by erecting numerous production units in orchid resource based regions of the state.

Orchid producers in the entire Northeast have come up with an integrated based bio¬entrepreneurship development program on orchid enhanced production and preservation of its rare species. Presently in Meghalaya such orchid projects headed under IBSD to be assisted by the government to garner employment opportunities and secure export target. Meghalaya welcomes this new innovative approach of IBSD in the implementation of hi-end based orchid projects for floral business extension in the global market as the government is aware about its potentialities.


Arunachal Pradesh Outlooks Voter’s Day With A New Approach By Felicitating People’s Right

In various constituencies of Arunachal Pradesh the ‘National Voter's Day’ was marked with a new approach by felicitating people who deserve their right for contributing sincerely towards the state’s development.

Teachers to farmers were awarded in directing the state’s people and leveraging the state’s economy. Recognition to the state youths’ fair and energetic participation in promoting the state at various national level activities was provided with felicitation of awards. Panchayat head’s contribution in developing rural areas with proper implementation of govt schemes and administration of lawful act including documentation of reports on legal processing were brought in public recognition with felicitation of award. 

Guidelines on pivotal polling activities is the main element of this important day to help people of Arunachal Pradesh to understand and claim one’s indigenous right through 1950 helpline number for any clarification on voter identity procurement and issuance of EPI Cards for fresh electors plus Voters' Pledge survey. Ideation on polling booth’s quality function plus appropriate usage of the device for fair conduct of election were brought to awareness as a mark of National’s Voter’s  Day in Arunachal.


Watch Guwahati’s Winter’s Colors Come Alive In The Air

Morning colors of Guwahati uplifted in the air on 27th Sunday that is to continue till tomorrow as a warm up treat of January Winter during ‘Jeevan Kite River Festival’ 2019 which after years is attracting more kite lovers to sport their kites and challenge the competition with rest thousands participants.

This kite event which started off in the early hours of the day at 11 am at Guwahati’s commercial river bank the Shukreshwar Park that is close to fancy bazaar hub. People from all parts of India come to attend this Fest of Kite at Brahmaputra Bank of Assam’s capital city Guwahtai.

Since after eight years in row this Guwahati Kite Festival has started adding charm to city’s hub even in the evening hours it explodes in lights and colorful activities like musical night from popular bands, commercial fair, micro food fest and lots other informative workshops and entertainments.


Arunachal Pradesh To Draft Out Economic Peace In The State

Call of NH blockades by six tribes of Assamese origin at state’s partitioned border areas with Assam for not serving their PRC right to claim permanent residence recognition at various government level opportunities, Arunachal Pradesh as in the wake of peace alarm for uninterrupted economic processing is to produce a draft on the report at the Legislative Assembly.

The Joint High Power Committee (JHPC) will produce the draft on Permanent Resident CertiJicate (PRC) issuance report before the Arunachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly (APLA) on the initial of the main budget session. The committee at the assembly house will undergo through a round of sessions with its members concerned to overlook on the issue of PRC before finally drafting the report within two weeks time. 

The agitating tribes are warned that they should not confuse PRC issuance to derive of ST status and encouraged one’s right to protest to enjoy the privilege of democracy.


Raising From Notoriety To Achieve Mercedes Dream Through Changed Pious Outlook By Assam’s Simpleton

Referred as Daimari the famous notorious revolter and goon in profession for illegal transaction of materials and election rigger in the past has strangely followed into pious pursuit to live as hard edge earner with rigorous involvement in varied framing process and employment training programs to evolve the society to the road of success like him, now wants to achieve a celebrity’s dream the Mercedes CLA 45 AMG.

This passionate farming entrepreneur in fruit extract business through indigenous style of Udalguri district Daimari now heads Udalguris Farmers Society under which he trains in rice and fishery farming also. Exclusive skills of Daimari got into public’s exposure when Assam Agricultural University and State Agriculture department awarded him as a best innovative skill and concept farming entrepreneur of the region at the Agri-Horticultural show. 


Friday 25 January 2019

TRIO States Of Northeast To Make Its Landmark At Rajpath To Salute Republic Day

TRIO Northeast states Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Tripura to make a landmark entry with their selection for the Republic Day’s exclusive tableau display on Gandhiji’s peace concept at Rajpath in New Delhi.

Tripura has made a painstaking replica of Neermahal the state’s cultural heritage monument with bamboo designed Indian flag’s Ashoka Chakra on the front. Arunachal Pradesh also made a competitive attempt with replica of its scenic beauty and monuments as tableau design for 'D' day on 26th Republic celebration.


Assam Tea Industry is Progressing Into Scientific Cultivation

The three-day scientific tea cultivation program under (TRA) Arunachal Advisory Centre, Tea Research Association in joint effort with the Department of Trade & Commerce and the Regional Office of Tea Board of India in Itanagar at Park View Hotel was launched recently with participation of thirty small tea producers from all the districts of the state to partake in its residential training programme.
The TRA event which was launched by Onit Panyang, lAS, Secretary, Trade & Commerce, Itanagar had highlighted this is the best opportunity for the new traders cum cultivators to take advantage of such interactive educative training program with the experts and scientist from the tea domain.
S K Baruah, Senior Advisory Officer and Senior Principal Scientist, North Bank Advisory Centre who had graced the event highlighted that the conceive of scientific tea cultivation was made in 1911 by (TRA) Tea Research Association of Tocklai division, Assam and thanked the advisory officers of  Tea Research Association’s contribution in the promotion of sate’s  tea industry


IAF Entangled In Cardamom Issue To Process Its Flight Operation In Arunachal Pradesh’s Remote!

Chang lang district’s cardamom producers residing near the Advance Landing Ground (ALG) at Vijaynagar area had refrained IAF officials from taking their usual course of helicopter operation according to the Arunachal Pradesh’s Food and Civil Supply Minister Kamlung Mossang.
Simpleton cardamom producers of Vijaynagar in a bold adamant way moved into the ALG runway and scattered themselves to clear the uncut overgrown grass on the runaway  ground to deflect the IAF pilots from their usual course of flight maneuvering as a dignified protest against them for not accepting their demand.


Decades Back Shillong’s Plan To Take A Mega Dimension With High Absorb Of Employments By 2020

Unbelievably it took Shillong two decades time to launch their much cherished five star dream the Hotel Crowbrough which is now on a mega slot of development with extensive infrastructure details is planned to be launched in the joint effort with top international brand based hotel groups from France the Novotel and Accor on 2020 start off .
Since hotel industry is influential in tourism sector even the Chairman of the Meghalaya Tourism Development Corporation along with other government officials are in close inspection on Crowbrough’s progress and legal processing for  its effective launch on a mild note by January 2020. Looking at its extensive infrastructure layout, the 1980’s initiated mega project the Hotel Crowbrough has the capacity to absorb huge employees in its various sectors as it will be featured with 104-rooms with 8 economy class, 58 standard class and 30 deluxe type.
It is just not that about classic accommodation sectors but also due to add of huge capacity  entertainment and refreshing zones like coffee shop, Indian / Multi-cuisine restaurant, bar,  disco, beauty parlor, banquet hall, lounge, committee rooms including versatile theme based meeting points that will not only keep visitors on toe but also huge inflow of candidates for employments.


ONGC To Invest For Tripura's Welfare Development

ONGC Tripura’s Asset Manager, G K Singha Roy had forwarded Rs. 20 Cr financial support to Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on state’s welfare development on behalf of ONGC Trust Foundation

This fund support is legitimate on annual basis as it should be utilized for development process by the Jibandhara State Water and Sanitation Mission of Tripura by this year end. Under last year’s ONGC financial support for state’s development the Deputy Chief Minister Jishnu Dev Varma had made installation of 400 numbers of Individual Household Latrines (IHHL).


Can BJP Overcome The Sea Of Challenges From Northeast?

Election expert estimates BJP’s futuristic rule in Northeast is on anvil if they challenges against the sea of CAB agitators in Northeast as in Mizoram its ruling  candidate Chief Minister Zoramthanga had nodded against Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s decision on the introduce of the new clause in the citizenship bill where even Meghalaya's Chief Minister Conrad Sangma  carries the same view.
According to the Assam Finance Minister Hemanta Biswa Sharma the inclusion of sixth clause ensures safeguard of Hindus in the state from foreign domination with its increase population at the present phase but the opposition groups are against the bill since they feel it is a  futuristic threat to state’s sovereignty.


Manipur To Highlight India’s Culture At International Competition

Art & Culture Minister L Jayantakumar at the Directorate of Art & Culture, Imphal had flagged off a team of 20 artistes to represent the nation under the Art & Culture Director A Shivdas Sharma at the Surin International Cultural Exchange in Thailand at its Rajabhat University venue.
L Jayantakumar stated it is a great advantage for the state to represent India at such global cultural hub to compete with 24 nations in highlight of varied cultural presentation at the eve.
The Manipur team was invited on the quality of their previous performance  to represent India where this time they will be presenting 7 traditional cultural  items based on dance, music and others.

Thursday 24 January 2019

Arunachal Pradesh’s Faces Threat From Assamese Tribes

In against non-permit of Permanent Residence Certificate (PRC) as demanded by the six tribes from bordering areas of Arunachal Pradesh, stirred economic blockade at its business transact points in eastern division of the state if the government does not avail domicile or resident quotas to them soon.

Group of six tribes allocated in the state’s border area adjacent to Assam like Deori, Ahom, Moran, Sonowal Kachari, Adivasi and Mising tribes who are originally Assamese people but had to partition on demographic basis during Arunachal separation. 

This agitation of  economic blockade in the eastern districts of Arunachal is headed under the ‘All Moran Student Union’ in the demand of their right for PRC without which they are deprived of government jobs and benefits of state's schemes.


Wednesday 23 January 2019

BJP To Ease Assam Rifles’ Employees For Service In and Outside India

The latest version of Assam Rifles Pensioners scheme by the central government will provide health benefit to its retired employees beyond the Indian border in Nepal as well according to the Home Ministry of India.
At the presence phase Assam Rifles has 92,000 pensioners who will be granted Ex­Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) membership benefit as approved recently by the Cabinet Committee on Security’s (CCS).
Additional feature to Assam Rifles Pensioner’s comfort the scheme will even include their dependents in India and Nepal zones as per to its particular terms. Estimation of total beneficiaries under Assam Rifles Pensioners scheme with addition of their dependents can exceed three lakh figure according to its official’s report.

BJP Rules The Scene In North Cachar Hills, Assam

Present time may appear rough towards the ruling party BJP due to Citizenship Bill tension but still it has not lost voter’s confidence with 19 seats win in the North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council election.  

The rest parties like Congress had to settle for 2 seats, AGP 1 seat and Independent party for 6 seats in the 28 members council.