Monday 28 January 2019

Guwahati Bank’s Kite Vibrancy To Leave Its Enduring Essence

Second consecutive day the Brahmaputra bank of Guwahati’s commercial hub that is near to fancy bazaar, the buzz of ‘Jeevan Kite River Festival’s visitors is still going strong as if never to end with so much to relish and much to recollect about its vibrant colorful activities.

The ‘Jeevan Kite River Festival’ that is to mark its end on 28th January has a purposeful mission to integrate people of various diverse background and promote the state for better tourism prospect and create awareness on river bank hygiene maintenance as a part of Brahmaputra campaign headed by ‘Jeevan in Guwahati’ voluntary group.

In today’s fast world the traditional kite sport is much forgotten, only such purposeful mission  like Jeevan Kite Fest helps to revive the lost traditional charm of flying  and bring in the flavors of other cultural activities and entertainments which is still going strong on its eight attempt with more crowd response.


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