Thursday 24 January 2019

Arunachal Pradesh’s Faces Threat From Assamese Tribes

In against non-permit of Permanent Residence Certificate (PRC) as demanded by the six tribes from bordering areas of Arunachal Pradesh, stirred economic blockade at its business transact points in eastern division of the state if the government does not avail domicile or resident quotas to them soon.

Group of six tribes allocated in the state’s border area adjacent to Assam like Deori, Ahom, Moran, Sonowal Kachari, Adivasi and Mising tribes who are originally Assamese people but had to partition on demographic basis during Arunachal separation. 

This agitation of  economic blockade in the eastern districts of Arunachal is headed under the ‘All Moran Student Union’ in the demand of their right for PRC without which they are deprived of government jobs and benefits of state's schemes.


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