Monday 28 January 2019

Assam Fences Out Vulnerability In Hi-Tech Mode To Control Line’s Norms

Growing pose of vulnerability due to illegal activities in Assam’s line of permit that is near to border nation Bangladesh, the Ministry of Home Affairs has planned for hi-tech survey on the remaining unsealed areas that fence out the two nations.

Foresight on frontier surveillance upgrade was made long way back when BJP gained into power in Assam, but now with painstaking effort to settle the ongoing conflict in between the two regions to regulate law and order situation for the state’s welfare including rest of Northeastern states sharing border with Bangladesh this decision by Union Ministry has become incumbent.

Necessity of hi-tech survey is in demand not only to keep a tap on illegal immigrant inflow in the state from the border nation but also to control unlawful commercial and mammal transaction, especially in the unsealed areas where fencing is not as per to the standard guideline.

It is in the call of present border security challenges, multiple actions against varied border illegal activities has become essential which by mere BSF personnel implementation cannot provide. So the hi-tech security measures have been introduced in border survey opeation by the government of Assam with central empowerment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and sophisticated electronic gadgets for effective management of the volatile Bangladesh border zones. Crop up of various environmental issues on flood like erosion, animal dislocation, elephant menace and changes of river course are the other various issues which have made it incumbent for the authority to aid the army with hi-tech facilities.

According to the Border Security Force (BSF) sources already varied agencies are operating the vulnerable areas with hi-tech solution for detail combing on infiltration issues including extensive track on cows and goats plus foreign goods smuggle.


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