Tuesday 29 January 2019

Arunachal Pradesh Moving Fast For Modified Version Of Villages

Under the head of Smart Village Movement scheme Arunachal Pradesh government is set to empower rural location to come up with modern modified version lifestyle with add of infrastructure and technology in its region for faster development growth.

State government based such Smart Village module implementation is to empower the enlisted villages under this plan to digitize its system through electronic media like the Data Collection Mobile App for fast connectivity of locals to program for particular village development mission.

The wake up call of Smart Village Movement is to keep in account of indigenous village’s large data on its assets, schemes, pivotal issues to track and program the localities to edge its lifestyle for faster growth of economy. This village development plan was made in 13th June 2018 when Arunachal government had inked MoU (memorandum of understanding with Smart age Movement to garner social and environmental value in rural areas.

Even San Francisco’s former Consul General who is a Senior Advisor and Garwood Fellow for initiating Smart Village Program perceives Arunachal’s potentiality to attract investors from worldwide for greater investment in the land with their innovative approach. Arunachal Chief Minister Pema Khandu in this attempt has brought to action the ICT (Information & 'Communication Technology) programming in the selected rural regions for fast development progress through implementation of digital based equipment to paperless office operation in its five crucial departments.


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