Friday 5 October 2018

Mizoram To Rank Places To Intensify Cleanliness Drive

Under the New Economic Development Policy (NEDP) every core places of Mizoram will be awarded with rank titles to signify their cleanliness standard and help brand the state in global prospect as already in India it has got topped for maintenance in cleanliness apart from its potential tourist driven spots.

NEDP venture was introduced in Mizoram decades back in 1977 before the launch of “Swach Bharat” campaign by the Indian government. Now the competition is high to make Mizoram the best place on earth for tourists and investors. Climate change is also a crucial reason to maintain cleanliness in the state to avert from water logging adversities according to the Planning Minister Lalsawta of Mizoram.

The UDPA (Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation) department will administer the cleanliness drive in the state according to Mizoram’s Planning Minister through ritual observation of cleanliness practices in the society for better prosperity and branding of the state.


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