Monday 29 October 2018

Greed’s Another Evil Outcome The Polygamy Practice Is Opposed For Social Welfare In Arunachal Pradesh

Women in any part of the world have remained mostly a victim of polygamy practice which is a definite version of greed conduct to entertain another female even after running a family which impacts adversely on child’s upbringing and financial factors that Women Wing (PPDCRCCWW) Papum Pare Christian Revival Church Council body of Arunachal Pradesh’s APRCC (Arunachal Pradesh Revival Church Council) has brought to public highlight as “Polygamy Kills Family Happiness.”

In India as a whole such polygamy practice is not regarded as sin as traditionally in various tribes and religious groups (like Hindu and Muslim) marrying more than one is legal whereas later even in western countries the mistress concept was introduced and today has become a lifestyle. Even entertainment fields are unabashed in popularizing infidelity concept. Now how polygamy practice can be uprooted just like brothel concept from present system that has not become as necessity but must.


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