Sunday 16 September 2018

Northeast, India’s First Engineering Institute With AAI Flying Programs

Engineering Council of India (CEI) entering an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) pact with Bineshwar Brahma Engineering College (BBEC) of Korajhar will be the first to conduct AAI (Air Authority of India) drone flying programs including multiple skill development programs for job assurance.

This is in the attempt to give an extra edge to the skills of the students to get into quality jobs as per to their standard and pursue their flying dream, BBEC has initiated this move. Else in where can an engineering degree accomplished student will get the assurance of seeking an expensive drone flying course. For professionals in drone flying has high international demand in varied fields? It is true students of science stream pursue the dream of maneuvering a flying machine. But some does not even end up getting qualified for engineering for a percentage behind. To learn or to get skilled in drone flying does not even require a high degree but the course is expensive.

Now this is a great outlet for the entire Northeast students to be a part of BBEC institute Kokrajhar to accomplish their dream to fly whether they get certified or not in the future. This AAI’s internship program is to be carried out in BBEC under the MoU pact with CIDC, government of India where training program on drone flying will be conducted to ensure employment scope and professional competence. So that in the future the passed out BBEC students can opt for serious commercial UAV pilot job. In the current market UAV flight coordinator are required in real estate, filmmaking, advertising and varied industrial fields plus the package is also attractive and this is a great opportunity which BBEC has opened for te entire Northeast.


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