Thursday 20 September 2018

Guru Srimanta Sankardev’s 570 Birth Anniversary Marked With Grandeur From North To East End of Assam

There was festive and joy in the air with pertinent holy clang sounds of Taal musical instrument from one end of North to East regions of Assam to commemorate the pious day of Srimanta Sankardeva’s birth anniversary.

Xatras and Namghars of every small and urban domains of Assam were filled with devotees to join to the rythmn of nam and kirtan (holy songs) as scripted by the great noble saint of Assam Guru Srimanta sankardev. Be it ‘nam parsanga or borgeet’ (devotional songs scripted by the Gurus Sankardev and his disciple Madhavdev) the entire holy domains of Srimanta Sankardev seems to have been invigorated with holy chants and rhythms of musical instrumental like Khol, Taal and Negara in lower and upper Assam districts like Barpeeta, Nagaon, Golaghat, Lakhimpur and Jorhat.

Sankardev was bestowed with supernatural power of God as he was par above than a natural human being and can take the shape of four arms form of Lord Vishnu the main deity of Hinduism.

The sole purpose of Guru Sankardev to introduce devotional songs on Hindu scripture was to simplify the difficult meaning of Sanskrit on mythological concept. Plus it was in the advent to make people easily connect with god in a interesting manner that even layman can understand and conduct Sankardev’s holy practice even when one is in duty in an effortless manner and liberate their soul from the worldly attachments to unite with God through his beautiful devotional method that has been ever introduced by any saints.

This pious moment of Sankardev‘s birth anniversary is marked for the 570 times after his departure from the bosom of Assam.


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