Saturday 15 September 2018

Are Assam Banks Safe After 94.42 Crore Swipe Through Hack From India’s Second Largest Bank?

Consecutive numbers of time in a day Assam Banks must have come under the expert hacker’s troll on their poor security system where till date more than 20 cases have been registered in Guwahati police stations about money siphon but are they ready to defend where in another massive case of hacking about  94.42 crore was clean swiped from the second oldest and largest cooperative bank (in terms of deposit advances) the Cosmos Cooperative Bank Ltd., Maharashtra?

Hardest point in catching these virtual criminals or hackers is that they are not directly related in making a bank customer a scapegoat. It is a second party who ape as bank manager, office staff and friend at the most targeted areas with multiple ATMs and get away with their sixteen digits numbers. 

The attitude of second party is almost like marketing agents who without getting off with handsome money and detailed information do leave their clients. Somewhere they must be getting professional course in duping people with ATM details and card just like hackers to make a successful team to earn their bread and butter. Cyber crime is a direct threat of unemployment for how these people can have such sophisticated education and extreme intelligence – not that they just love to steal else they could have settled for pick pocketing and why to strain one’s head.

To confront such war path of such ill education implementation then the bank customers can pursuit one option to further educate themselves to restrain from being fooled by such preying eyes while operating ATM and online banking. But how? It is best Bank staff and cyber team can help them in educating with more interaction.

Cosmos Cooperative Bank Ltd. after a drastic loss due to virtual loot had implemented a professional forensic agency to investigate on August 11 and August 13 case where even the state police along with Pune cyber police task force were engaged. After a close survey on vast transactions process in between the theft time  to understand criminal’s game set, located 12000 fraudulent visa transaction cases that were carried out in multiple nations worldwide.


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