Friday 13 May 2022

Lunatic Scenario Of Waterlogging In Guwahati Could Pose It As Future 'B' Category State?


Water logging scenario of Guwahati simply made worse by humans which is sidelined by the government in the name of advancement of the city where today a simple outbreak of heavy downpour creates mini river scenario in various areas whereas some remains dry.


Guwahati appears today as an asylum for rain outbreak for we could not restrict rain from changing its course. Guwahati Municipal Corporation candidate Dulumoni Kakati when approached for the query of drastic change in Rukminigaon area when heavy downpour occurs she smartly stated, "It is due to human made blockade in drainage outlet for the purpose of making last gate flyover." But after the completion of the flyover why the scenario has worsened, Dulumoni stated, "We will look into the matter first bring us to power in GMC poll." Curses of miserable people await for the government who cannot take control of the capital city what to talk about the state? People burn their pockets to the abnormal demand of transporters be it rickshaw puller, auto or taxi have we let our votes to unsafe hands is the big question?


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