Thursday 15 December 2016

Six Unites For Better Transformed Political Scenario Of Nagaland

Observing Nagaland Tribes Council's (NTC) appeal for the fulfillment of political aspiration that meets the best interest of indigenous people's upliftment, the six political groups decided to unite.

To act for state's welfare as a single working group and resolve state's challenges as an united force for effective development of the community.

This auspicious united political groups’act was undertaken on December 13 by the representatives from six political groups of Nagaland as a Working Group. 

The objective of staging this interim platform by the six Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) like   FGN, NPGN/NNC (NA), NSCN (R), NNC (Parent Body),GPRN/NSCN, and NNC/GDRN (NA) is to work united for the best interest of state’s development.

The Convenor of the Mediation Committee, Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) added that beyond this joint statement between the six Naga National Political Groups may likely to invite other NNPGs's participation in Working Group force.

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