Saturday 9 July 2022

Two Girls Grabs Death In The Brave Attempt To Cross Dhansiri River On Bhur

It is reported that two girls who were on return from tuition defied by boatman as they could not give thirty rupees and had to attempt Bhur a handmade Banana plank but could not reach other end of the destination as overflowing Dhansiri river’s water current was too dangerous for such medium for ferry.

Incident occurred during evening time and the girls got feared due to darkness and somehow managed to travel by Bhur but caught under water current and lost control of it though braved to do so. Such sad stories accounted numbers of time that for being poor village girls have to undergo much challenges for survival and dignity from all over Assam. Courtesy for poor village women should be made to help them live with dignity. Othewrise this tragedy would not have struck.


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