Tuesday 24 August 2021

Afghanistan Can Revive As Examples Set By Few Districts Of It

Integrity of Afghani people have not gone down as Pul-e-Hisar, Deh Salah and Banu districts guarded successfully their lands after combating strong strain from Taliban rebel.

But Banu district is still heard to be fighting back from Taliban’s overpower. If public uprising forces in central region of Afghanistan that is Kabul had been so strong to restrain Taliban’s overpower then the situation would have been in their favor.

Panjshri of Afghanistan is another such land that Taliban could not strain into for occupancy. There are lots of Northeast people who are unable to flee from Taliban capsized Afghanistan and still pinning hopes from Indian security. 

President Joe Biden if chosen to keep back his US troops in Afghanistan could have averted the ‘Big Chaos ‘, had to reply against the criticism of his decision that history will recall as a “Logical, rational and right decision”. Knowing the turmoil of not only indigenous people but also the foreigners what strategy US is making to again takeover Afghanistan and set free from Taliban? US definitely has the strategy to pull off the ‘ Big Chaos’ but waiting for a strategic time.


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