Saturday 6 March 2021

Tourism And God's Grace Mass Blessing


Uttar Pradesh records highest mass wedding in country with 1260 couples, targeted estimation of 1100  while Mumbai, Maharashtra in the lane on 14th annual marriage ceremony  which has become a part of tourism activity that  Northeast,  Mizoram is opposed to commercialize this auspicious God grace mass blessing.


Today mass wedding concept helping couples to get married under the constrain of financial problem, expensive gift challenge and dowry ritual where even government has grant in financial aid to cope marriage lifestyle.  If Mizoram churches goes mass wedding as per to tourism department concept that is designated locations out of churches then the government benefits can be an added blessing.


In Uttar Pradesh under Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and LabourMinister today couple of 1260 are being blessed with Rs. 75000 each couple for marriage load with credited account of Rs. 65000 each which without designated location won’t be helpful in broader perspective,  Northeast, India is not accustom mass wedding ceremony due relgoius conflict.


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