Tuesday 24 September 2019

Growing Concrete World Bringing Threats Of Abnormal Rise Of Temperature, Manipur Impacts

Certainly it is a global issue as concrete jungle presides to take over Green, bringing threats of abnormal rise of temperature which Manipur from Northeast is highly affected with highest drought issues to extensive area of it this year where the Centre of India had recognized it as a national issue.

This indication of environmental warming is termed as “Island Effect” as concrete in greater scale of a region could expel tremendous heat at night due to absorbed extreme heat in the morning where Prof Manju Mohan from Delhi’s Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) claims it to be the one of the main cause changing Manipur’s climatic condition dramatically.

The workshop on Changes in Manipur’s Climatic condition was conducted in two bases of Manipur at its University campus and a Hotel. The workshop titled as “Impacts on microclimatic conditions from changing land-use, land-cover patterns-Relevance to the Northeastern region’ is a climatic change research policy conducted under influential groups like the Directorate of Environment Manipur integrated with Manipur University, Manipur National Institute of Technology and the Central Agricultural University. 


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