Sunday 26 May 2019

Hema Das’s Sensational Chase From International Sprint Title To Academic Top Notch Result!

This black horse in Indian sprint who did the impossible to rock the international media with her performance in this year Turkey tournament with golden 200 meters’ record, Hema Das the Dhinga Express of Assam had recently surprised her fans academically also with seventy percent  total output in Higher Secondary final result to secure 1st division.

Sprint Queen Hema who is headed towards Patiala for Olympic 2020 practice session that is to be conducted at Tokoyo in Japan has appeared to be a bundle of intelligence with score of total 349 / 500 in her Higher Secondary final exam with secure of highest 84 letter marks in Assamese linguistic subject and ace of 63 marks in written English plus impressive 75 score in Political Science including Advanced Assamese 60 marks while Education subject score of 67 marks and Geography with 46 marks .

Today Nagaon’s Dhing College, Assam is proud to have an excellent  sprint star like Hima Das in its academy at the12th state board exam who had balanced her academic pursuit to excel in the field of sports and bring highest laurel to the state and pride to countrymen.


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