Friday 12 April 2019

Extension Of Poll Phases With Growth Of 900 Million 2019 From 84 Million Voters 2014

India’s electoral body has peaked up their process in keeping account of legitimate voters in 2019 with update  of 900 million registration in contrary  to 2014 election of 84 million voters registration that lead  to the extension of election phases in various states.

Highest extension of poll phases of about seven times will take place in Northeastern corner of India like Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Bihar whereas least that is single-phase voting to take place in rest 22 states excluding Manipur, Karnataka, Rajasthan and Tripura with two phases, Chhattisgarh and Assam with three phases while Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Odisha and Maharashtra in four phases.

At the present phase the Election Commission revealed that from 91 constituencies from 20 states records 543 seats. Already 91 Lok Sabha constituencies have appeared for the first phase poll with poll battle from 1279 candidates.


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