Friday 7 December 2018

Words Out Of Tea Garden Fetch To Win Prestigious Literary Sahitya Academi Award 2018

It was from a small family of a tea employee of Odisha origin, the great creative writer Sananta Tanti who was born has succeeded to fetch the prestigious 2018 Sahitya Academy literary award, determination to procure education and follow his passion in writing though he was professionally involved with Assam Tea Employee PF Organization in Jorhat district took him to surprising height.

Only few who under all hardship of poverty tend to create distinction in education field of literary. Tanti’s passion had found his way to express best his enlightening and critical thoughts reflecting various social issues that connects to mass in poetic version which few challenged. It is not alone Tanti’s fight to carve his name but to fight for the better well being of the society why the writer penned his words which had fetched innumerable awards like Birsa Munda Award, Mrinalini Devi Goswami Memorial, Krantikal Samman, Osman Ali Sadgar Sammanya Award and Assam Valley Literary Award.

Born in a small tea estate named as Kalinagar in Karimganj district before shifting to Jorhat district, Assam this powerful linguistic writer Tanti has today won the highest literary award in the state for his influential poetic work “Kailoir Dinto Amar Hobo” (Tomorrow Will Be Ours) reflecting positive hope under all adversities of life. Today Tanti’s incredible life’s journey to illuminate people under all adversities of situation and poverty that sowed the seeds of education value and courage to aspire to reach for the impossible dream for the upcoming generation has made him an exemplary literary figure of Assam.


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