Monday 3 December 2018

Vishnu Katha Spiritual Boost

Yashoda and Nanda will always remain as my parents wherever I am.” – Krishna to Nanda Maharaj after reigning Mathura responsibility.

“Mathura is my responsibility and Vrindavan is my heart as I cannot pay the debt of people’s love and service to me.” – Krishna’s version for Vrindavan people to Nanda Maharaj made
Devaki and Vasudeva realize that their son Krishna is not an ordinary child but God Vishnu’s incarnated new form to destroy evil influence from earth for present and coming generation. 

Devaki and Vasudeva the original parents of Krishna were aware about their child’s purpose on earth and his omnipotent presence as he is not human since there is no comparison to his might on earth. - @neic-sumibora

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