Wednesday 19 December 2018

Assam’s First Friendly Corner To Kill Crime At Its Root

Understanding the growing crime in the state for being the gateway to Northeast, Assam police with great essence of responsibility has planned to come up with child friendly corner in their police stations to help children in juvenile crime to co-operate with laws and to bring them in the right track.

It is noticed that criminal act if curbed at the tender age by showing proper way of living with boost of security by the lawmakers the crime could be rooted out successfully before it overpowers the tender minds. Usually children fears police and undergoes through trauma of scar in the society.

If the Assam police is running a child friendly chamber in its operating bases to help the juvenile involved in crime develop respect for the lawmakers instead of resentment then definitely today’s crime scenario would change.

Bringing the upcoming generation in the right track is a great responsibility not only for parents but also for law makers on which ground the nation’s child protection apex body the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has initiated statewide child friendly corner in police bases.

Assam’s Childline organization which as per to NCPCR code has come out successfully in implementing the child friendly concept in its first attempt by collaborating with Jalukbari branch police division. The director and collaborative director of Childline D.K. Saikia and Sunanda Das respectively have helped to launch “Toy Zone” equipped with CCTV footage for the first time in Assam as per to Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act at Guwahati city’s Jalukbari police station.

To kill the crime at its root before it fetch far wide as it has become important for police personnel to act wisely with juvenile cases and treat children in criminal act with friendly approach and drive them to laws and at its consequences for their better future.


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