Sunday 4 November 2018

Shillong Is Prepared For Earthquake

Simulation of 8.7 magnitude Richter scale mock earthquake programme was conducted by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA) in Shillong to prepare all the line of departments of Meghalaya state to counteract natural disaster.

NDMA’s this multi-state mock drill on earthquake is to help a high seismic earthquake prone zone like Meghalaya to handle causalities of lives through proper manage of prompt emergency service to the affected areas.

The main aim of IRS (Incident Response System) is to bring all the line of departments of the state like fire, emergency, police, vigilance and defence groups to take active participation in this mock drill on artificial earthquake through their Operations, Planning and Logistic team process. So that the varied stakeholders of the state understand their responsibilities to cooperate with region’s emergency support system during the strike of natural disaster.


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