Tuesday 30 October 2018

Increasing Swine Flu Cases In Maharashtra Has Jolted Northeast

Increasing swine flu cases In Maharashtra has jolted northeast with following death of an elderly women of fifty eight years after arriving from Pune while in another case one positive detected lady is under observation in Shillong hospital of Meghalaya sate.

Quite a gap of year swine flu death in Northeast has not been detected  whereas Maharashtra state has an escalating report of swine flu cases where in ten months this fatal disease has claimed 268 deaths in the state.

Following this year there are reports of 69 deaths from various districts of Maharashtra in 2018 itself while 55 H1N1 positive victims went under critical observation. The lady who died in Shillong hospital in Meghalaya complained about severe headache and fever after arriving from Pune, Maharashtra.

Pune has report of 11 swine flu cases whereas there is report of 107 death cases in this month of October in the Maharashtra state itself. There is a high alert in Northeast on swine flu attack as another lady was detected with swine flu disease after arriving from Mumbai, Maharashtra.


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