Thursday 27 July 2017

3D Cell Printing An Advanced Version Stem Cell Drug Revolution For Best Natural And Enduring Treatment

Gradual 3D Printed Cultured Cell Artificial Heart Development Stages

3D print could revolutionize drug discovery as its extracted and cultured tissues samples exactly apes like the patients’ tissue, liver, kidneys, heart muscles or other organs through its complex bio printing technology. Earlier this technology was first implemented in Ford Motor plant for making large auto parts.

Now this 3D print technology is further enhanced to boost medical purpose to ape like duplicate organs of your body once the required tissue cells are extracted and cultured in lab after close introspection on its molecule history relating to patients’ previous ailments from who it is to be processed in special labs.

Body organs such as kidneys, livers and hearts are incredibly complex tissues. Each is made up of many different cell types, plus other components that give the organs their structure and allow them to function as we need them.


3D Printed Cell Dish For Testing And Culture 
Derived tissue cells from particular organ or damaged area are printed onto a fine density designed dish with many micro wells. Once the cells are injected into the well type dents of the dish it is next flipped upturn to set in droplets format or morning dew drops below a leave. 3D artificial pattern shaped organ with fine perforated holes is bio printed with several cultured sample of cells and later allows it to clump. Later this process is allowed to transform the 3D design artificial organ to tissue shaped organs.

Surgeon Anthonoy Atala Demos On 3D Printed Developed Kidney

The 3D print reproduced organs not only apes like the desired sample tissue piece of a patient’s body but also ensures that it exactly function like kidney in excreting toxic from body through flush out points of the body.

Superior 3D printing technology is designed to print complex cells as well as other biological materials  and living structures to reproduce organs for faster transplantation instead of keeping the patient in a waiting list till a year after or more when a donor appears to donate their organs.

Today 3D cell print technology is doing success in medical sector with perfection in production of helpful drugs to cure a patient. Simultaneously 3D print technology is helping to reduce animal testing burden for quicker medical treatment processing to save lives and to enhance hope in the patient.

Comparatively stem cell drug therapy is processed in lab after derive of cell from the patient or genetically related people. Once the tissue cell is collected from the stem cell sources like bone marrow and others it is diagnosed for molecule fault signifying any ailments. For once the cells are cultivated in the lab without proper molecule test the transfused cultured cell sample can possibly generate that particular disease in the patient. So even the stem cell medicinal development process is limited like the 3D print drug development technology due to such constrains.

Reflection On Current Constrains Of Such Dug Development: 
  • Likelihood of legal approval is minimal sometimes even if a new candidate drug is identified.
  • Only 10% got approved which is quite painstaking.
  • Success mainly depends on healthy category molecule type which makes again makes processing pace low even after deriving the cells.
  • Prior human clinical trials create poor turnout of people for repetitive test.
  • Currently the process is not yet processed globally as due to a matter of cost that is US $2.5 billion 

NEIC Analytic Report : Sumi

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