Monday 20 February 2017

Will Mr Zeliang Exit Pave Peace In Nagaland?

Naga people undoubtedly have lot of potentialities to present themselves globally but more often caught in conflicts where economic blockade and other major violence had to cost Chief Minister T R Zeliang’s exit as government employees were estimated to have hands in its engineering to garner people’s emotional support before polls but this fast change ensures safe state’s future?

Employees loyalty can be improved with leader’s exit is a big question that awaits to be answered after Zeliang decision?

It is first time in Nagaland’s history such major political move has been made on immediate three days notice when T R Zeliang announced from Nagaland Chief Minister’s role where DAN (Democratic Alliance of Nagaland) will have a meet with Naga People’s Front Legislature Party next day to endow the responsibility to Neiphiu Rio or Dr Shurhozelie Liezitsu.

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