Monday 8 August 2016

Streamline Manpower Slowing Recovery Rate in Majuli and Arunachal Pradesh

Streamline of medical staffs and distributors of fodder, leading cattle of Majuli to consume Lantana camara, a poisonous shrub which grows abundantly by riverside as flood waters have forced them to scatter in different places containing scanty fresh grass.

In context to this the recovery process to save cattle is solowing down. Foods for cattle are in the stock but due to lack of manpower the rate of death in Majuli are increasing rapidly.  Even though Government had sent a medical team but the rates of cattle to be treated are exceedingly more.  

Currently there is an emergency call of 60 to at least 80 numbers of veterinary medical staffs to take full control of the situation in Majuli in context to growing death rate of cattle. Death reports of cattle in Majuli Island are mainly sighted by the sandbars of Brahmaputra. Cattle mainly belonging to heifers, calves and Milch cows categories are found dead in large scale by Brahmaputra’s sandbars.

Lack of manpower is not the case of Assam but is also impacting Arunchal Pradesh’s flood relief progress. Even veterinary field assistants are impelled to undertake the section of fodder distribution and multiple cattle care process that is beyond their said job according to a veterinary officer due to lack pf manpower.

In the present situation of Majuli to take control of cattle getting succumbed to the poisonous affect of the shrub, it is important to feed them with liver stimulant including antibiotic medicines. Supply of related drugs like Livotus Liquid and Brontone are demanded by medical team to curb the death rate of cattle residing by river sandbars of Majjuli.

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