Monday 11 July 2016

Mizoram Weavers Ignited Rs.26000 Hope for Potential State Economic Growth

Realizing state’s potential role in national hand-loom product export revenue growth, the Mizoram Industries Minister H Rohluna in future perspective for economic growth had granted Rs.26000 to 90 each successful trainees who contributed for work shed construction.

Determined to seek major progress in weaving sector the government of Mizoram planned to extend help to the underprivileged through major installation of Cluster Development Programme to boost their talents. Promotional campaign will be part of this handloom project of the government including the launch of Cluster Development Programme in 17 varied places of Mizoram.

Cluster and Kawlkulh handloom scheme provisions will be extended including implementation of Weaver’s Credit Card Scheme to garner more employment opportunities in the rural parts of Mizoram according to Industries Minister H Rohluna. Minimum 3% interest rate on Rs 3 Lakh Loan will be issued under Weaver’s Credit Card Scheme to encourage more volume in handloom output for state’s economic growth.

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