Monday, 11 July 2016

China and Assam Need Manual not Techno Effort to Muscle up Flood

Developed and technologically advanced China today is under flood havoc due to few spell of rain and could not muscle up against it, not to talk about miniature submerged state like Assam, India, key point is manpower lapse in relief operation. Well in a submerge state it is not possible for people to actively participate, no matter boats, foods and relief camps are arranged. But without intense manpower contribution the relief operation could not be conducted effectively in all the affected zones.

The task is gigantic and increasing flood scenario is completely manmade with no previous regulation in the degrading ecosystem. Now not only underdeveloped place like Assam, India is affected by flood havoc but even top developed nation like China is also rocked. Point is how effective is rescue operation? How people in large scale could contribute for fast recovery of the affected people and rest lives.

Today only 35 members team of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) has reached intensely affected Jorhat district of Assam, leaving rest in disgruntle state. Every life is valuable but how effective measures could be diversified? Reaching the moon is a different matter true but what about reaching the one who is to die unattended?

Leave 360 million years ago display of human habitat through robotic performance which is marveled as science advancement but any robo to tackle current flood scenario. May be water of flood could deactivate the robot before performance. Scientist and environment activists should focus present state of the billion years old planet earth which is no more a kidding zone for lion what about dinosaur. It’s is manual power not techno service that could effectively rescue flood affected zones be it China or Assam or any regions.

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