Sunday 10 July 2016

Phaco-Emulsification Technology in Northeast for Specs Free Lifestyle

Multifocal IOL’s ­­implantation through the latest phaco-emulsification technology to get rid off from long and near distance eye sight has been introduced by ASG eye care hospital in Northeast, India to assure people of specs free lifestyle.

Pioneers in multiple latest technologies for eye treatment, ASG hospital avails super specialty treatment like Q-Lasik Laser, Refractive Lens Exchange, ICL and anesthetic injection free Cataract operation for improved spectacle less result. It’s just not cataract removal process done at ASG but one can opt for lens fixture for improved vision without wearing specs.

People from rest of the states of Northeast finds complicated eye treatments like retinal and vitreous disorders, amblyopia (lazy eye), hypertensive retinopathy, blockage of Naso Lacryml duct, day care cornea transplantation, eyelid surgery and ocular tumors to be quite inexpensive at the nearest destination Guwahati, Assam in ASG eye care center.

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