Thursday, 9 June 2016

Improved Technology Ascertains IVF Success - Dr. Pramod Kumar Sharma

In the domain of In-vitro fertilization, the amount of knowledge and skills honed by Dr. Pramod Kumar Sharma only few from Northeast could level up. This internationally recognized  IVF doctor Kumar has today reached the pinnacle of success but still wills to evolve in his practice by implementing best of technology in his hospital.

What Kumar today honestly believes is that to emerge as the best  IVF centers nationally, top class facilities, effective management and most importantly update on latest technology devices are primary concern.

Only renowned person like Pramod from Northeast of Guwahati is internationally recognized for his excel in In-vitro fertilization practice. At San Francisco, USA Global Congress on Endoscopic Surgergy accepted Dr. P.K. Sharma's papers on “Post surgical intra-uterineadhesions at second look Hysteroscopy” in November 2001. Dr. Pramod Kumar has hands on experience as a gynecologist of about eleven years  with MBBS and MD qualification in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Thinking about Northeast welfare Dr. Kumar left his lucrative job offer in Australia and founded Pratiksha a 50 bedded hospital specialized in In-vitro fertilization. This is a collaborative project with dedicated few doctors to help him achieve his gigantic task to open a specialized IVF center in Guwahati, Assam. Today his attempt to give hope to infertile couple with collaboration of a team of expert Embryologists, Gynecologist and Laparoscopic surgeons has fulfilled with establish of highly equipped IVF center in the heart of the city.

Minimal invasive surgery and neonatal care was first initiated by Dr. Pramod Kumar Sharma in 2007. Seeking for the women and child welfare of the region, Dr. Pramond initiated  Today it has expanded and known as one of the best IVF centers nationally. Equipped with world best facilities and technologies to meet maximum successful fertility results. In Pratiksha there is an exceptional case of dedication where about 1500 cycles on annual basis are carried in comparative to global standard of 100 cycles. 

Even from America couples with multiple IVF failures go with more than once successful result of birth. There is no compromise in installation of latest technology at Pratiksha according to Dr. Kumar. Best result of fertility depends on incubator and Pratiksha has the  world class ones that was launched in 2015 at the European Conference. According to Dr. Kumar world class services matters to heal couple from infertility disease. It seems Dr.Kumar is in the attempt to clear previous notion of infertility as curse or inability including the blame game on partners.

Emphasizing on advanced technology boon, Kumar feels the percentage of fertility has increased from 20% to 40 % after the placement of embryos in improved version media like recombinant genetic technology.  It's just not eggs but quality output that matters for assured max results. In present case individual qualification does not matters, it is team cooperation and technological ecosystem  that puts forward what to expect from the IVF center according Dr. Kumar. Technological emphasis will certainly bring down the expensive tag on reproduction of eggs. Determining which eggs to pick as per to the disease type more ascertain could be provided what Dr. Kumar has to state on technology evolution and necessity.

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