Thursday 13 January 2022

Waste Chaos In The City System

Guwahati City Development could not process smoothly if the public do not follow the norms of waste dumping and simultaneously the authority for not regulating the sewage clearance from the drains.

Year beginning is the prime time when drainage clearance should be prioritize highly for Monsoon is nearby that would drastically hamper the work process.

Keeping the drainage system functioning without stall in the flow of waste water is highly a social responsibility and government’s determination to keep a beautiful Guwahati city. Clogged drains and uncovered drains are symptoms of unhealthiness, attracting dengue, malaria and other waterborne diseases that directly hampers secure lifestyle of the community.

Vendors especially should be educated on cleanliness as greater waste output is estimated from them. From market to residential areas have become vendors’ business bustling points, bringing risk to safe codes of living lifestyle.

Waste has become by and large a chaotic issue driven from men’s irresponsibility which is silently changing the clean city lifestyle as before enjoyed. Retention of waste water overflowing from the drains to the adjacent houses is slowly killing the people living in it which the welfare groups should also act for the safety of the society.

Manpower is also limited to attend the frequent litter of garbage. Government should be strict on cleanliness criteria and drainage management for the progress of Guwahati and further crucial infrastructure set up.


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