Tuesday 30 March 2021

Voltas AC From Tata Takes Leap In Growth

This summer Voltas Air Conditioner to get better growth due to hybrid working model from Tata Group.

This Tata Group firm base cooler machine Voltas is estimated to go for double inning sales pitch this year despite COVID Pandemic backdrop. Last year 2020 during the grand festive season Voltas achieved fruitful result and this year 2021 expects to make positive turnover this summer.


Voltas directs its target from small towns that have increased its sales pitch. Currently, Voltas estimation for this summer pitch between the metros and non-metros are in the ratio of 55:45, expects its sales figure to increase in the future.

Today, Voltas air conditioner expects growth in this summer of FY22 and continue this positive momentum in the future where Room AC business recorded 46% growth.



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