Monday 2 September 2019

Ganesh Chaturthi Most Colorful And Vibrant Puja Is Splashed All Over India And Its NE

Ritually this culture of puja or prayer to the destroyer of all obstacles the Hindu deity revered as “Vignaharta or Lord Ganesha” followed in Central part of India especially which present date colorful celebration has caught in great favor with NE or Northeast domain.

Northeast regions like Manipur, Assam and Tripura are the main favored places where in all metro regions Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated in all metro areas especially. Most exciting part of Northeast is to watch huge jumbo’s trading in all the streets and accepting “prashad” or holy offering from the devotees of Ganesha as from mythological counterpart this animal is regarded as a representation of him. 

Many count from today on 2nd September but this Ganesh puja is observed for a week and month, depending on the strength of devotees.


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