Monday 16 September 2019

Assam Uddhab Bharali’s Bed Rid Innovation Likely To Be His Next Biggest Global Achievement In Healthcare

This noble mission man on earth Uddhab Bharali from North Lakhimpur, Assam after his international awards winning pomegranate seeder device achieves another greatest innovation that is likely to turn the global healthcare sector with his introduce of a specially designed bed  for the bed ridden people.

This specially designed high technology based bed solution for immovable patients by Bharali features liberal maneuvering bed on desired direction, automatic features to regulate urine and stool expel through hi-tech cleaning system where even the patient is empowered to operate the bed on both direction without any aid and change his dress. 

Baharli headed his successful 155th innovative achievement with invention of this exclusive self operating bed, inspiration drawn mainly from his personal contribution to the old age home people and bed ridden patients. 

Close contact with such people has helped Bharali to understand and develop the necessary features of the bed most effectively when nurses fail to turnout. Success of this innovation can bring sure luck to this North Lakhimpur innovator as India has lots of top rate healthcare centers without such innovative bed and can be the best alternative for nurse.


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