Saturday 13 July 2019

Assam Temple Authority’s Active Participation Helps To Conserve Rare Species Challenge

Headed to Guwahati central, there locates a 294 years old temple near to City High Court, the Ugratara temple premise with ideal breeding point for rare turtle known as Nilssonia Nigricans at its twin pond where recently its committee members had celebrated farewell of 34 black soft turtle eggs to Assam State Zoo authority for better incubation process of it for successful hatching.

Apart from Ugratara temple even Hajo in lower Assam has a famous Hyagriva temple dedicated to Vishnu’s incarnation with higher record of breeding rare aquatic  species with production of 100 plus rare turtle eggs for hatching so that Assam forest conservator could extend its number and save it from extinction.

There are many temples in Assam which have become an ideal breeding ground for extinct turtle where with Assam State Zoo authority have extended its family by transferring the successful hatches in their wild habitat.

The priest of Ugratara temple holds attention to turtle breeding as it has mythological representation to temple’s deity. Statewide various members of temple committee takes pride to attend such farewell function to bid turtle eggs for hatchling to forest authority for safer growth of its population.

The famous Ugratara temple’s precinct has twin ponds named as Jor’pukhuri dedicated to fiery incarnation of goddesses Maa Kali named as ‘Tara’. It is a difficult process to incubate the rare turtle due to lack of quality environment inside the twin ponds where last year Assam State Zoo was able to hatch out 34 baby turtles from 70 eggs allotted to them by a particular temple authority.


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