Thursday 13 June 2019

Aizwal 11 Year Old Scripted Unique Brave Act Par Excellence An Adult!!

Caroline Malsawmtluangi an eleven year old small from Aizwal’s small village Zuangtul where she accidentally happened to meet a seven year old abandoned girl while playing with her friends but least she had the  idea that was kidnapped.

It was later the next day when a police came for inspection in her village for the kidnapped girl, Caroline came to realize after seeing the image of the photo that it was the same girl with whom she had played the day before.

She hurriedly went in her neighborhood to track the kidnapped girl and found her at Ramesh Hemram’s premise with the female abductor Zonunsangi Fanai.

Caroline without thinking for an instance of her risk braved to rescue alone the abducted seven year old girl from the female kidnapper’s clutch Zonunsangi Fanai who had asked the eleven year to fetch her the money from the building workers allocated nearby to whom she had landed her money.

But Caroline outsmart the situation in her favor from this opportunity and insisted the kidnapper to go while she attend the seven year old child in her absence and Zonunsangi Fanai agreed. It was amazing that Caroline who herself was a child of eleven years attempted a sturdy task to carry a seven year weight child on her back, running all the way to her home wards when kidnapper came chasing after her pelting stones.

She successfully rescued the child kept her hidden under her bed till the police arrived after being informed by her parents. Now this is a rare script of bravery act in a small hamlet of Aizwal.


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