Sunday 28 April 2019

Can Bamboo Industry Be The Next Biggest Employment Generation Source?

No doubt this traditional bamboo business has been igniting many household’s livelihood  till date but with times skill tactics have advanced and so tools development to give an edge to this craft with introduce of latest technology where today it has become a profession and greatest economic contribution in national revenue.

In the attempt to materialize greater goals and emphasize extensive employments for youths in poverty line the Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre (CBTC) of Byrnihat has initiated an effective fifteen day training program to influence the artisans in boosting supplement of demanding bamboo products like broom and basket.

Today apart from various agents there are greater numbers of buyers from food and packaging industry plus medical, municipal offices and railway sectors. But still bamboo traders feel that financial help from the government could help build more quality training set ups to influence more employment opportunities to the artisans and skilled ones. 


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