Wednesday 27 March 2019

Pro-active Attitude Of Meghalaya's Locals In Preservation Of Its Rare Forest Charm For Decades

Western Hoolock gibbons is one the popular four legged species that is rare to witness in most parts of Northeast regions where the locals of Meghalaya’s local natives have been actively participating in the preservation of this beautiful charm of their forest.

Hima Malai Sohmat community wildlife volunteers have been actively participating in such wildlife and eco-welfare initiatives to preserve this rare species Gibbon of their forest that is also filled with varied other attractive adventurous features like caves, enchanting mysterious underground tunnels and waterfalls.

Land acquisition and encroachment in forest area are certain factors threatening the livelihood of this peaceful living animals found especially in wet and undisturbed green wood of Meghalaya' natural abode which the local community of Sohra trying to march campaign on it to bring awareness about Gibbon and value the norms of its habitat.


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