Monday 25 March 2019

Assam’s Metropolitan Drinking Water Board Advances With New Projects To Boost 135 Litres Per Capita Per Day

Assam’ Guwahati Metropolitan Drinking Water and Sewerage Board official’s new announcement featuring successful hit of 70% pipe layout in the area also marks avail of 150 connections in Pandu area itself with 70 process in Uzanbazar, Happy Valley area.

Under this Metropolitan Drinking Water board’s pipeline layout project all the successful layout areas to soon become operational once the testing is completed and gradually will advance its further connections by phase manner on monthly performance basis.

Taking on to a futuristic note the Water and Sewerage Board official has highlighted that quality service from its end to the metro public is not far behind where under their three water supply segment projects is to complete 135 litres per capita per day (LPCD) of water by 2025.

Under its new mission the Water and Sewerage Board to layout for safe water sources with 24x7 high pressure intensity pipelines to avail prompt drinking water service to every metropolitan household.

Implement of 23 service reservoirs for water reserve plus 2,000 km long pipe layout for enhanced water distribution to meet a target of 2 lakh additional household connections is what Metropolitan Drinking Water board is further aiming in the future.   


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