Saturday 2 February 2019

What Lies Behind The Lies Krishna Had Made When He Ate Mud And Gopis’ Dairy Product? – Vishnu Katha

Gopis of Gokul when they use to complain Yashoda about Krishna’s mischievous act of stealing their dairy products she use to remain numb as to why her son would do such an act when they have it all at home in abundance. Even more to Yashoda’s amazement the very angry Gopis won’t allow her to punish Krishna for the alleged act. Gpois anger seems to melt down once after they reach Krishna’s home and take all the chance to fondle him with love in the relish of making complaints every day.

Krishna never allows Gopis of Gokul to pass to their destination without offering him with their dairy items like curd, ghee, cream and butter or else he annoys them by stealing it. But this entire attempt is made by Krishna in the attempt to procure their hidden love for him by bringing them to his destination what Gopis all the time dream about. 

Stealing from Gopis is a medium to uplift Gopis from Maya or materialism and help them emerge in his ocean of love. Krishna is right when he says he has not stolen any dairy items but it is their affection and love that the Gokul’s Gopis all the time dream about in showering to the lotus feet of the Godhead.

Yashoda when asked her son to open his mouth to see whether his brother Balram has said the truth about him or not then Krishna lied no he has not ate mud. Krishna lied as the entire creation lies in him where even mother Yashoda could see herself inside his open mouth with rest of the planets and animals.


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