Tuesday 19 February 2019

Kaziranga Goes Hi-Tech Virtual Warfare Against Illegal Trading!

Kaziranga park which is a popular international biodiversity spot has increased its virtual threat with increase flow of illegal trading on endanger species’ products that are smuggled from poacher’s raw resources which are later processed in various items. 

Dealings of highly valued bio-resources are processed virtually under illicit methodology before shipping in the products to the international market.

TRAFFIC a part of WWF-India’s biggest program on wildlife conservation has made partnership with Kaziranga Reserve body to handle cyber warfare tactics and management process to identify illicit activity during wildlife security measures.

‘CyberCLAW’ workshop on cyber security training purposes was launched by TRAFFIC with Kaziranga division in club with Police Radio Training School (PRTS),the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) and WWF-India where thirty forest officials from five Wildlife Divisions-Eastern divisions had attended.

After first successful ‘CyberCLAW’ workshop in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand last year December this is the second time it has been concluded in Assam at Kaziranga Tiger Reserve to lay pivotal input on investigation, search and foiling techniques for successful cyber wildlife warfare action.  

How the network of poachers with traders in illicit wildlife trading could be tracked through exposure of various mediums like wildlife forensic process, cybercrime management, communication device, digital intelligence data process including telecom surveillance were introduced at this ‘CyberCLAW’ program by TRAFFIC in Assam at Kaziranga reserve.


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