Wednesday 2 January 2019

Assam's Eye Of BRAHMA To Predict The Future

Eye of BRAHMA (Braided River Aid Hydro Morphological Analyzer) the IIT Guwahati and Brahmaputra Board initiative to predict the future to help channel development process in the state under the challenge of present phase of climatic change in Assam to channel varied development projects for the upliftment of the agro condition of the region under the adversities of drastic weather condition and change of river courses especially its mighty river Brahmaputra.

Erosion prediction, logistic design for futuristic models plus morph mapping of Brahmaputra to warn possible on the arising threat from the river’s change of course and abnormal climatic behavior is what IIT, Guwahati’s hydrological innovation will be capable. BRAHMA this indigenous innovation of hydrological data provider is the first to be introduced by the IIT, Guwahati without any foreign assistance.

Headed under the Prof of Civil Engineering, IIT, Guwahati, Dr.Arup Kumar Sarma feels proud to initiate such three phases mathematical mode concept project to inbuilt a software with massive data storage on hydrological and riparian sector to boost the study for various scientists and research workers to erect models to handle the threats of nature as has been implemented by rest of India with foreign hydrological assistance.

Drone and Satellite secured information are used to build the two dimension phase hydrological innovation named as Brahma 1D that is ready while Brahma 2D physical model processing will start from this month of January. This is the first big challenge that IIT, Guwahati has undertaken along with government’s support where before its launch the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation will have to approve. Success of this hydrological project is going to bring incredible benefit to the state’s economy.


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