Sunday 23 December 2018

Thought Of The Day - Vishnu Katha

People Are Subject To Adversities But A True Devotee Never Gives Up

Kamsa mercilessly had put an end to Devaki’s all seven new born by smashing on to the wall which coated a sense of fear on his subject and fellows with a notion that he is marching towards his victory over the omen of his untimely death during his sister’s marriage.

Witnessing time’s ravage and adversity of situation Devaki and Vasudeva’s soul and sense were completely surrendered to Lord Narayan to stop Kamsa from succeeding in his eight attempts to kill their new born child which has been conceived.

Devaki cried when Krishna’s time for delivery came as she was spiritually broken and believed that her brother is mightier than the soothsaying. However Kamsa was overpowered with fear on the news of Devaki’s pregnancy for the eight times and did not leave any measure against his death. But Vasudev was composed as he trusted the divine words of God’s coming on the eight time of Devaki’s pregnancy. Assured Devaki that God Narayan is indeed present with them and will be protecting their child from all harms of Kamsa.


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