Thursday 20 December 2018

Sweden, Italy and Portugal To Thrill Assam By Stringing The Hearts Of Music Lovers

Trio best global guitar artists from Sweden, Italy and Portugal to visit Assam to swoon the hearts of Northeast music lovers by stringing to their classic numbers at 2nd International Guitar Festival that is organized by the Directorate of Museums at Guwahati Sate Museum.

This time GFA is to bring some more entertainment with add of excellent global artists in guitar and nylon string instruments apart from the internationally famous guitarists like Johannes Moller, Thule and Lorenzo plus Richardo J martin and Fernando Ponte.

As a year end treat the government is to warm up the Northeast and rest of Indian audiences to have some soulful moments at the Guwahati International Guitar Festival to be held on 20th December  and have a great opportunity to interact live with GFA ( Guitar Foundation of America) award artist Johannes Moller.


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