Sunday 26 August 2018

India, Northeast's Potentialities To Take Turn To Organic As An Alternate To Medicinal Treatment Farming

Northeast no doubt is nature’s bounty but its turnover over of Agro food products are less and due to which farmers are excessively dependant on fertilizers and pesticides instead of banking on cost effective organic farming wherein latest report Manipur peasants had ransacked the Agriculture department’s godown fo plant treatment products .

Manipur farmers at Sanjenthong, Imphal had protested in front of the Agricultural department for not releasing sufficient fertilizers and pesticides stocks form the arrived 14-15 loaded truck of plant treatment products. Struggle of such farmers in all parts of Northeast states could be eased through cost effective organic farming as from its rich soil and abundant greenery one can circulate food to the cultivation for healthy growth of plants to derive quality products rather than depending on harmful chemicals. But the awareness is less due to which farmers have to sit in loss without fertilizers and pesticides.

Already Manipur’s MOMA (Manipur Organic Mission Agency) displayed success through organic cultivation with product turnover of five metric tonnes of dry turmeric, one metric tonnes of black aromatic rice and pineapples of export quality. In the central market hub of India already one metric tonnes of dry turmeric has been delivered from Manipur apart from the sales of quality organic products to national export agencies. It’s time that Manipur concentrates on outgrowing organic farming as it has high demands for its natural food products outside the state.

Manipur along with other states of Northeast is turning to organic farming where according to state’s Horticulture and Soil Conservation Minister Th.Shyamkumar have changed the tracks of 5000 farmers of its region to organic process of cultivation. Even the farmers for organic farming are registered under the Manipur Organic Mission Agency. Already food products like turmeric, ginger, orange, black aromatic rice, lemon pineapple and king chilli organic products are doing good business outside state as well.

MOMA organic farming body is determined in  creating greater footprint in this field with larger expansion of home delivery and export sectors to boost its demand in the global market. Emphasizing on organic farming even the joint secretary of the All Manipur Gymnasium Welfare Association, N. Kishan Singh admits that the state has the potentialities to bring growth in organic farming as the future of fertilizer and pesticide farming methods do not look bright.

Manipur aside even Assam is vigorously into the footprint of organic farming where the winner of “Agripreneur Of The Country’ Award,” 2017, Samir Bordoloi has widespread organic training camps in the state and nationwide.  

Currently Bordoloi leads 1500 organic trainees from various states and terms them as green commandos. Today Samir is noticed for his exemplary jobs in organic farming and his innovative ways and have become a great source of inspiration to the upcoming generation into farming career. 

Bordoli’s organic farming processes like organic waste management, compositing, ecological farming, rooftop farming and urban waste management are very cost effective and appreciated by the experts to implement the similar techniques in various parts of India for product growth. One can say artificial farming is out and organic farming is in due to its healthy means and cost effective methods as it is quite cheaper than highly priced medicinal process of farming implemented for quick productivity. 


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