Monday 18 June 2018

Deforestation Grips Northeast In 2018 Monsoon With More Severe Flood

Deforestation has brought perverse effect on earth’s eco-system where neither men nor animals are spared. Development without planned outlook to maintain balanced ecosystem has brought frantic impact on the livings, be it flood, heat wave, drought or ice melt issues, the natural environment today is threatened.

Today nature has brought men and animals in knee deep water with no land to escape due to improper infrastructure set up causing deforestation and climatic changes. Developed or underdeveloped nations, the scenario of flood is no better as deforestation has severely escalated due to economic competition and market globalization. Today entire northeast states reels under grim flood due to severe deforestation.

NEIC Illustration: Sumi

Sunday 17 June 2018

Nilotpal's Dare To Dream And Bring Change Outlives Death

The nation shook with the rest of the world to Facebook video upload on the gory death of a talented youngster of Assam known as Nilotpal Das by an angry mob in his hometown on wrong presumption as a child lifter.

This proficient musician cum sound engineer who had exclusive quality to connect with people of every land had dared to challenge solely in all parts of the world to venture for sounds and understand cultures of every land. Nilotpal was successful to leave behind his captivating essence in music domain through deliver of creative music compilation from the collected notes.

Recollected as a quiet guy who love to get absorbed and develop music notes that  are inspired from the nature. Always had an intense aspiration to map Assam in the world of music by bringing connectivity from people worldwide through his compile creation of music.
Even acknowledging possible threat in particular sensitive areas of Assam, Nilotpal and his friend Abhijeet dared to intrude the areas against parents’ decision.

But his fate had a different turn due to which Nilotpal Das a proficient sound engineer was unable detect the possible threat to his life. This popular musician challenged against all odds to take a different route even if he was brilliant in studies and graduated in commerce from Delhi University.

In the attempt to establish himself in the world of music Nilotpal with a joint venture had an office set up in Goa to train and create music. Nilotpal’s credibility to drive people from all regions of the world into his music was in his blood and the passion to promote Assam through his elevating rhythmic work was his dream till end.

NEIC Illustration & Quote: Sumi
NEIC Story: Sumi

Saturday 16 June 2018

Assam Branding Lies On Its People As They Are The Real Brand Ambassador

Tripura Extends Their Pineapple Yum Network Globally

Northeast, India no doubt has the best pineapple production but with margin market improvement is unable to dampen Tripura from globalizing their best queen sample.

Ecstatic on this new agro trade export to Dubai, Tripura CM Biplab Kumar Deb expressed his intensity to drive their agro market by promoting Tripura’s tropical food globally where Dubai is the first assignment with many more in the pipeline. The export assignment includes 2 tonnes deliver of varied queen pineapples after an interval of two days.

In this new venture of market globalization of state’s agro products, the BJP lead Tripura government by CM Biplab Dey mentioned that this is a joint initiative under export development authority’s promotional plan termed as ‘Tripura Agricultural On a Processed Food Products’.

Current source of Tripura’s queen pineapple production centre is in Bilascherra village area where farmers’ payments are hiked to Rs.21 per kg from the previous offer of Rs.5 to Rs.9 per kg after the procure of their first international assignment. Farmers are likely to benefit more with bag of more contracts from countries worldwide.

If producers retain quality and stay committed to deliver demand then Tripura can carry further ahead their queen pineapple business. Even other export destinations like Bahrain and Brazil are in the pipeline to ink further contract for queen pineapple export according to the Tripura government.

To improve agro business, the Tripura government is likely to invest more in its food supply for which it has tied up with export and import firm of Wes Beangal, Kolkata. The Tripura government has bonded MoU pact with Kreamery Craft firm along with Spicejet Merchandise for swift delivery process of their export pineapple products to Dubai.

BJP lead Tripura govt by Biplab Dey on current account is estimated to have made annual 11 Lakh crorer worth investment in foreign trade to globalize state's market.

NEIC: Sumi

Is Northeast Like Rest Of India Awake To The Generic Drug Call?

Hardly 50% of India is awaken to the call of generic medicine though PM Modi has  much emphasised on it to bring an effective policy to ensure that doctors observe it lawfully while prescribing drug to the patient.

Branded similar name samples of generic medicinal products in Pharma domain has ruled the market scenario in India for decades without public suspicion on non-generic brand game in drug world.

First people in northeast are not open to the concept of generic medicine’s role. If your health has not improved how far you have questioned whether your medicine contents have active ingredients as in generic drugs?

Generic medicine role is not much different from the branded ones but the percentage of pure ingredients recommended for particular health recovery is not diluted as in branded ones. So the percentage of effectiveness after the intake of generic drug is much bankable.

Brand leaders in Pharma domain use similar generic names in an attractive manner and emphasise it through ad display to enhance sales figure.  In this context doctors, nurse and pharmacist are often confused while delivering drugs to the patients be it in the market or operation theatre or while prescribing. Since some of the well known generic drug companies manufacture different composition drug with similar effect under a particular brand name that resonate to the previous original product name.

Generic drug price is comparatively higher, on account of which PM Modi has planned to avail such drugs at cheaper rate in the upcoming policy where 1.2 billion Indians can have best health measure undeniably at best rate. This new pass of legislation on generic drug may take a year or so as fear looms in Pharma production growth including slop in competition that is estimated to affect India’s economy.

This challenging task has been initiated by the Indian government for the first time in the wake of quality issues from the branded drugs, procured from the generic manufacturers for free distribution during emergency situation. Every life counts be it defence or victims of natural calamities for the Indian government counts them as the driving force of the nation.
On the basis of more than 30% substandard drugs detection in 2012 federal auditor’s report with follow of this year’s 10% quality drop in drugs that were procured from the medical stores. Be it pharmacist or doctors it has been detected that well known companies keep them in their wallet. So it will be wise for the general people according to NGOs that they ask their doctors to prescribe generic names only and even observe that the pharmacist do not try out smart them with leading brand products.

The government has planned to simplify difficult names in singular format with reduce of words to clear confusion so that the buyers can make easy decision. Even sometimes doctors become confused with branded products when they are unable to recollect instantly the generic names. Similar such case often occurs with nurse and pharmacist also as they face the same problem. Example ‘Viagra’ is a different composition brand name drug which often confuse customer with similar effect popular generic named drug known as Sildenafil for erection purpose.

Sometimes doctors do write generic names but pronounces a branded name which a patient gets confused when pharmacist ask whether it is the branded name Nurofen as the customer had mentioned or ibruprofen as prescribed in the prescription?

In this gigantic health war that the US government has initiated, the federal budget treasurer Scott Morrison on account of this new law imposition has declared that doctors should mention generic version drug rather than the branded ones. Such effective measure can be estimated soon in India if the public shows awareness and empowers the government with lesser trouble in decision making.

NEIC Analytic Report: Sumi
NEIC Illustration: Sumi

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Northeast, India Stress On B2B Event On Natural Products To Boost Green Economy

Keys to global green economic development.
Latest 3-Day CII North East Farm and Food Techno, an e-commerce start-up event termed as the’ Big Basket’ has opened  up greater horizon for the potential fruits and vegetables small producers of Northeast to get larger exposure to promote their products and drive desired international brands to improve sustainable green economic development in the region.

According to Abhijit Barooah , the co-chairman, CII North East Council thinks such B2B level event for business opportunity, definitely will help Northeast to build strategy in global marketing and enhancing productivity . The Big Basket senior executive, Barooah figured items like pineapples, oranges, ginger, kiwi and other fruits have the best possibility to escalate business further in the future as there are potential global marketers who have their brand domain in India also.

Presently, what is important is that the growers of the natural products should be capable to meet up with top branded client’s standard, quality and delivery deadline demand for enhancing sustainable green economic development. Plus to bring out more employment possibilities and drive further ahead the Northeast region for green economy to save earth from perils of climatic changes.

Frequency in B2B level events are more demanded as Northeast traders from various states like Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Mizoram, Tripura and Manipur feel that it is the best medium to improve global business network with the desired clients to leverage their business and export demands. Moreover Northeast region has the highest possibility to drive sustainable green economy in the future and become a proud representative of India on global context. 

NEIC Content & Illustration: Sumi