Thursday 31 May 2018

Bhupen Hazarika’s Fine Intellectual Insight And Power To Connect Reflects In His Famous Conversion Of Ol' Man River’s As ‘Bistrino Aporare’

Mozart of Assam music late Bhupen Hazarika may be known as but his past  at the earlier stage was streamlined from wealthy lifestyle as  he was cornered by destiny in a remote place named as Sadiya in Assam where he was born. But Bhupen’s indomitable energy drove him beyond the limits to connect people globally by creating distinction through his versatile works in music, art and theater that had universal link.

Eldest of the ten children Bhupen Hazarika never daunted the spirit of his parents under all financial hardship and made them feel proud of their efforts in bringing them under all odds. It is in  saying that a person’s destiny is linked to his childhood activities, where in the case of Bhupen Hazarika it was reflected at the age of 10 years when he was noticed by noted Assamese personalities like Jyotiprasad Agarwala the first filmmaker of Assam and revolutionary poet Bishnu Prasad Rabha at a public function.

Effortless performance in a complicated category of devotional song known as Borgeet of Assamese culture by the ten years  age Bhupen had profoundly captivated the icons of Assamese music industry. This exposure to the right people at the early age was the breaking point for Bhupen Hazarika’s bright future as he was successful to grab two projects from Jyotiprasad Agarwala the noted personality in Assamese cultural development.

If not for his passionate mother who was the driving force in giving an edge to his career at the early stage as she had great hands in polishing Bhupen’s talent and bringing him to exposure, else he would have been remembered as state’s great intellectual since he was brilliant in studies.

He was just twelve when professionalism came to Bhupen due to land of voice for two songs in Jyotiprasad Agarwala’s film  Indramalati  in 1939. The songs were an instant hit where Biswo Bijoyi Naujawan is still favored today along with Kaxote Kolosi Loi. Bhupen had aced not only in singing but also in higher intellectual work where at the age of thirteen he first penned down a complicated lyric ‘Agnijugor Firingoti Moi’ of in depth meaning.  Bhupen reflected much maturity beyond his age through his dynamic performance.

Tezpur was the base for Bhupen’s new beginning in his music career after multiple  change of locations due to his father’s profession. It was in Tezpur where Bhupen’s talent bloomed and came to exposure to noted personalities of Assam. Memorable phase in Tezpur for Bhupen was when he got the chance to head to the Selona Company, Kolkata in 1936 for his first song recording in Jyotiprasad Agarwala’s film.

This noted Indian singer Bhupen Hazarika who had built his empire in music was reckoned for his prestigious acclamations like National Film Award for Best Music Direction (1975), Padmashri (1977), Padmabhushan (2001), Padma Vibhushan (2012), Dada Saheb Phalke Award (1992) and  India's The National Academy for Music, Dance and Drama (2008).

Intellectual singer won’t be wrong to say about Bhupen Hazarika as his close observation on political scenario all over the world to understand the sentiments of the society was effortlessly communicated through his songs and poetries and drama that triggered people with awe in worldwide.

Bhupen’s works reflected humanitarian objective to make a better world. No doubt on the other side of the coin Bhupen had distinction in his studies also, procured twice master degree in varied subjects including fetch of PhD from Colombia University, New York. This highly bright student will equivalently build an empire in music and drama one day nobody must have thought. May be his higher studies opened up his perspective on life and music career as during his study in New York he was able to create a network of influential musicians with intense social inclination.

Someone who had heavily influenced him was Paul Robeson who had created powerful l Ol' Man River lyric which was a globally popular for its humanitarian essence. Prominent civil rights activist Paul’s essence could be felt  in major works of Bhupen due to which his music is able to touch the chords of various societies globally where his song ‘Bistirno parore’ influenced from Ol' Man River lyrics is an all time favorite.

Ol' Man River’s Assamese, Hindi and Bengali versions fetched him great honor and popularity with mass globally.  Muktijoddha Padak was conferred on Bhupen Hazarika in the "Friend of the Freedom Struggle" category by Bangladesh Government (posthumously in 2011) for his great humanitarian inclination.

Theme of "Ol' Man River" is about the struggle of Africans for freedom against the foreign American rulers which story was featured in a boat at the backdrop of the Mississippi River.   This bass solo song is prominent for its association with the condition of social class and struggle for liberty from slavery against foreigners. ‘Bistirno parore’ has the same flavor as it was developed by Bhupen Hazarika on Assam’s pro-activist’s fight for their right to save Assam from foreign hands. This resembled today as virtual anthem for this activist.

NEIC Special: Sumi
Art Illustration: SUMI

Friday 25 May 2018

Hindus Rooted To Assam, India Should Be First Identified Before Wall Comes

Else there won’t be peace in Assam, before the fire of genuine people outbreaks in the state that has remained dormant, the government should find a way to provide transparent NRC (National Register of Citizens) report. Corruption is the biggest fear as Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal had highlighted during his session on NRC and about December concrete border sealing.

It is about multiple decade matter, illegal immigrants without proper documentation in Assam had staged cold war and intensified corruption. Pressure is more even the government feels, not to talk about Hindu immigrants settling again in Assam without proper documents. What is the future of Assam neither present nor any new government can clear. Sometimes if things go critical it jeopardize the health when we do not regulate our body so is the system of our society if corruption has intensified its damage then the state’s future is in critical phase. May be Assam knows its future before any party clarifies.

DTO Eases Guwahatians On IND Registration With Date Extension

Vehicles witnessed outside DTO (Directorate Office of Transport), Lakhra, Guwahatai, Assam office with long queue where twenty plates provided after every one hour, making it evident for the office workers that it is not a easy job to clear 3 Lakhs pending cars without IND in May month time phrase.

So the deadline is to extend by 30th June, else can be carried up to July and August 31st if necessary by the DTO officers as per to the work progress. DTO, Embossing officer said, “More than getting cars fixed with IND number plates, it is the embossing time period that makes the process more tedious.”

Basantha Das who has flown from Bangalore to take care of his property here in Guwahati, Assam said, “I have just come down to Guwahati, Assam to fix IND number of my car as there is none in my house. It was through social media I was updated about IND deadline. I have to go back tomorrow to Bangalore once the work is done.” Now this is the impact of IND in Guwahati in Assam.

The vehicles are allowed in the DTO office complex unless number plates codes are handed to them. People need to go with their paid register paper early to get a serial code. This sticker code is issued only when a particular similar serial number code consisting of twenty people clears. If twenty people are given serial number 1 then next twenty with serial number 2 have to wait an hour till the work is done.

NEIC Report : Sumi

Wednesday 23 May 2018

New Edge Of Farming That Has Empowered Women To Richness In Kamrup District

Farming is a kind of profession which intellectuals of higher class won’t like to step in but hardship has not deterred these two mid aged two women from Kamrup district to find outlet to richness in life by creating success with their hands.

It was a land of 1 Bigha in which a mid aged woman known as Mrs. Monowara Bibi of Behbari under ADO circle had farmed squash vegetables with expenditure of Rs. 20,000.

Squash production was never ventured by anyone in her village which she as a female first challenged to undertake and created a success story of Rs. 70,000 profit from the production at Rangia market. She is now even more determined to push her dream of squash cultivation to five Bigha land.

In another amazing turn a literate women from Nagarbera village under Kamrup district named Mrs. Gitu Bhagawati Pathak a Master Degree holder created a complete different mindset by making large profit from strawberry cultivation on 1.5 Hectare land in Pijupara plot. Later Mrs. Gitu Bhagawati edged her productivity with diversion in papaya cultivation in twenty bighas of land by investing her initial strawberry profit in a joint venture.

DTO Ease IND Registration For Panic Driven Guwahati Vehicle Owners

In Guwahati there is sudden witness of long car queue in front of overly crowded DTO (Directorate Office of Transport) office for IND registration to observe court’s 30th May deadline. Panic in people has formed as they do not have enough information on IND process including about the nearest destinations for quick registration.

But the government has made arrangements to open up more registration centers in Kamrup district, headed under DTO office as maximum vehicles are without IND number plates. Apart from the DTO office, Lokhra of Guwahati center for IND registration the department has opened centers at Ojha Hyundai (Basistha Chariali), City Zen (Ganeshguri), Abhishek Motors( Adabari) and Auto Selection (Adadbari) also.

Failing to observe this order the offenders will have to face a heavy penalty of Rs, 1,000 on the spot if detected. Today any corner of India be it remote, higher altitude or plain areas the IND car plate is mandatory for car owners to display.

Like rest of India the design of IND number plates varies as for embassy vehicles bear blue plates with black letters, military vehicles bear black plate with white letters, commercial vehicles (taxi, truck, auto, e-rickshaw etc.,) bear yellow plate with black letter while self driven commercial taxis bear black plate with yellow letter, test vehicles bear red name plate, private vehicles bear white plate with black letters.

IND plate for four wheeler has enhanced to 100 rupees more than earlier rate of Rs. 334 as current running rate is Rs. 424. For rest like two wheeler, heavy commercial vehicles and small commercial vehicles cost varies with a lesser reasonable rate than four wheeler.

“Technically this two years valid IND plate process takes five to ten minutes time. But since the government has limited the time frame till May 30th, the line of vehicles outside DTO office has stretched in large, making the process slow,” an IND technical person of DTO office highlighted on the current phase.

Do not hurriedly run in your car into the DTO office as it is overly crowded with vehicles. Park it outside and first grab hold of registration form issued at the backside counters of the office. Depending on the car type the documents need to be produced. Senior citizens are privileged with special counter for prompt service. As per to the date mentioned the car owners were asked to come to the office. Apart from the queue it is actually a ten minutes job to get the work done.

DTO office has paced up its IND registration process to meet people’s demand but you need to remain prepared with your necessary documents. Still doubt remains whether this gigantic task could end successfully within the said time frame by the government. City like Guwahati, cars are more but the time is less and people are not fully aware about IND penalty, so panic is more.

NEIC Report: Sumi

Tuesday 22 May 2018

New Turn In Assam Tourism Policy Estimates Major Economic Change

Encouragement of film making with prior to quality in new Tourism Policy of Assam has given major outbreak in positioning the state in better highlight. Effective of 2017, ‘Tourism Policy of Assam’ in January 2018 has boosted filmmakers to give quality touch to state’s valuable sectors to treat the eyes globally, building curiosity on its culture and values.

It is quite visible with the level of frequency on which Bollywood superstar and the Assam ambassador Priyanka Chopra has been highlighting state’s core sectors. Initiating with golden Muga chadar with ace of enchanting Bihu Culture by donning with dotted red forehead, swaying her body elegantly to its music, Priyanka the Hollywod cum Bollywood actor has conquered in grabbing international eyeballs.

According to the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), the current Assam government has initiated major investor-friendly policies to further enhance tourism sector including leverage of many industrial sectors. New policy of Assam Tourism evidently appears successful in its attempt to boost state promo to improve market with acceleration in its economic graph.


Fancy Bazaar To Change Into New Outlook As Proposed By The Assam Govt?

Quite shocking but it is true that the bee line of buzzing customers who use to venture out for bulk shopping at comparative better rate has disappeared. Today we find a neat road in decades old vendors occupied Fancy Baazar street that connects straight to popular commercial hub Lakhtokia.

According to B.B. Gohain, police officer in charge of a patrolling team to follow up the order and debar any kind of mishap by vendors, added, "This order is to stay in the future though many a times use to get uplifted on community pressure. Since it is a matter of decade old vendor's livelihood, possibilities of conflict is estimated. The commercial community of Fancy Bazaar proposed to continue sale on road on 14th May, but failed to resume till date after the implementation of this order from the court."

"This has left dramatic fall on customer inflow, varied products accessibility and attractive price offer definitely. Court has empowered police to take action against any kind of untoward activities by vendors as they are extremely frustrated to see an end to their decade old business on road," added Krishna Das, a shopkeeper.

"On 14th May vendors planned to resume their business on road but things did not materialize. Vendors are reluctant to take to GMC Market complex as to the crowd estimation any kind of untoward incident can occur as it was not built earlier for such large capacity people. As already the floors are occupied. So vendors protested against this option of the municipality board," Krishna Das added.

In the future as per to the court order, the vendors will be allowed to resume their business by the side of Jail Road, few kilometers away from the existent fancy bazaar area. But still people are not clear whether vendors will resume as it is a matter of profit, already marketers have undergone major loss, unable to resume even after one month. Underline matter of clearing road in Fancy Bazaar is that is this an initiative to broaden roads of Assam's core economic area? The biggest challenge for the present government lies in to break the clutter and place the busiest old commercial areas like Paltanbazar, Fancy Bazar and Panbazar Into systematic modern metro city concept.

NEIC Analytic Business Report: Sumi

Saturday 19 May 2018

Seriously Hobby! Places In Guwahati For Fun

Seriously hobby, many a places in the core of Guwahati city has given this fun concept a more an edge to it with serious outlook. Earlier adult and children use to take a hobby to discover their talent and to kill their ideal time. Hobbies were adapted earlier by many at the tender age to have a wonderful vacation or leisure out. Taking out time from their tedious study schedule to do what they love without any restrain from parents.

Today the scenario of hobby system has changed as people are provided with wider scope to excel in it and pursuit it as certificate course for greater futuristic exposure. Even children are encouraged to participate in competitive events and find a field for open interaction with people or audience to expose their talent. Famous destination ‘Hobbyzone’ of Guwahati city has network with institutes abroad to provide certificate in desired field of music according to its owner Tridip Barua. Upasana Barua the wife of Tridip Barua has mentioned that teachers from affiliated institutes take participation in their center to train the candidates applying for once in a week hobby courses.

Dance studios have become the best venture to nurture hobby, RHYTHMIX International Dance Studio of Guwahati is the best place to name. According to the experience of many it is not only spacious with wonderful sound system to groove around. But also the best place to evolve their hobby and edge one’s talent.

Urban Beats Performing Art is an ideal hobby destination situated at Sarania Hills, Guwahati. Some like for its calm and cosy place for training. It adds much variety like dance, gymnastic and yoga, hip-hop, street, rap, jazz, ballet, contemporary and Bollywood dance with friendly environment.

NEIC Coverage - Sumi

"Silk Assam!" Edges Its Productivity Globally

"Silk Assam" won't be wrong to phrase, being India's potential provider in this line of sericulture productions. Dramatic difference could be felt in Assam sericulture sector where current government’s financial aid schemes have encouraged many for decent livelihood.

Today Assam as a representative from east India is able to compete with tough competitors in silk trade with 60% above provider of high demanding Eri silk in local market with 93 % plus Muga silk (golden silk) provider at global level. Additional boost up in production of other varied quality silks of Assam have been accounted from 2017 last year till date report.

NEIC Analytic - Sumi


Where Assam is heading to after the fall of 2017? No doubt under the all chaos of environmental changes, demonetization aftermath effect and illegal immigration issues the Assam's economy has witnessed brighter changes. Crucial economic backbone of the state the tea providers have witnessed a sign of relief from account of 2017-18 FY report with 676.31 million Kg productivity.

Fuel or Energy productivity of the state has witnessed dramatic changes in various sectors like Oil, Coal and Gas. Two new remarkable initiatives by ONGC in the year beginning on March 2017 has garnered 10 million metric tonnes (MMT) of oil output additionally with position of two wells at Dayalpur and Sufayam.

2017 Annual report from April-December reflects appreciable uplift in natural gas, coal and crude oil productivities. On to which output quality assurance the government's Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is determined to improve further its productivity. Within 2021-22 time frame with 688 MW generation of Renewable Energy, where 663 MW energy production is proposed to be nailed from solar power source and 25 MW from macro hydro power projects implementation according to MNRE.

Agri sector of Assam has always remained strong and its future appears more promising now with US$ 200 million loan sanction from the World Bank in October 2017 to boost up farmers.

NEIC Analytic - Sumi