Thursday 16 February 2017

Will Minister Pramila Rani’s Drone Call Can Evade Sharp Toll On Rhino?

Poachers’ game is revealed to be always ahead of forest vigilantes as the toll figure has risen in this year initial even after implementation of hi-tech security measures at KNP (Kaziranga National Park), will drone initiative on the call to end the game of greed by Assam Forest Minister Pramila Rani effective?

KNP security did a successful job with one poachers’ elimination but soon 24 hours after the game, a high end strategy was planned on the other hand when a poacher escaped with a precious horn by gunning down a female rhino with sophisticated AK-47 on Wednesday morning at 1 am from Burhapahar Range at Tunikati Forest camp area.

The patrolling party STF (Special Task Force) who had to go with a greater loss after the poacher’s killing has intensified doubts on rhino’s future at the UNESCO World Heritage site though aftermath the tragedy the Central government consented for drone drive in anti-poacher’s operation as initiated by Assam Forest Department to enhance vigil in Kaziranga National Park. 

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